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back down to one ferrety :@

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arrrrrg, my 2 hobs 1 who i named this account off victor and ozzy are gone now. i was ferreting today, and thay both went into this farily big warren and nothing happned at all, thay never showed up. i dont have a collar on them cus well i cant afford one. and ive ferreted for years and never lost a ferret. any who i waited 6 houors yelling down the holes calling them ect and i caved in the holes knowing thay have killed something and ill be there in the morning to see if thay are still in there, but i think thay must have snuk out and pissed off as it's not like them to stay down for 6 houors.... i only have my little jill now but im not buying more ferrets, just going to work her untill she dies and then eventualy buy another couppel for shooting over. but for now im workingg just her...


shattred about loosing them thay are about 4 or so years old :(:(:( kids, buy a fetter finder before you work your ferrets.

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its hard losing ferrets.i lost two good jills last season and i was gutted BUT they were collared up!!


i cannot understand why you need to ferret this time of year.if you are a full ime pest controller i could understand or if you needed food for kitts,but why go out knowing theres a possibility that youre going to get lay ups all the time due to there being baby rabbits in setts AND not use a ferret locator.if youre ferrets meant that much to you ,you would have bought a locator and collars regardless of cost and wouldnt have even considered going ferreting this time of year unless it was really necesarry.food for thought and hopefully a valuable lesson learned!!

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its hard losing ferrets.i lost two good jills last season and i was gutted BUT they were collared up!!


i cannot understand why you need to ferret this time of year.if you are a full ime pest controller i could understand or if you needed food for kitts,but why go out knowing theres a possibility that youre going to get lay ups all the time due to there being baby rabbits in setts AND not use a ferret locator.if youre ferrets meant that much to you ,you would have bought a locator and collars regardless of cost and wouldnt have even considered going ferreting this time of year unless it was really necesarry.food for thought and hopefully a valuable lesson learned!!



col he is in austrailier mate :)

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its hard losing ferrets.i lost two good jills last season and i was gutted BUT they were collared up!!


i cannot understand why you need to ferret this time of year.if you are a full ime pest controller i could understand or if you needed food for kitts,but why go out knowing theres a possibility that youre going to get lay ups all the time due to there being baby rabbits in setts AND not use a ferret locator.if youre ferrets meant that much to you ,you would have bought a locator and collars regardless of cost and wouldnt have even considered going ferreting this time of year unless it was really necesarry.food for thought and hopefully a valuable lesson learned!!



col he is in austrailier mate :)



hahaha,didnt notice that,sorry victor :thumbs:


i thought it was some numb headed chav with no common sence

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its hard losing ferrets.i lost two good jills last season and i was gutted BUT they were collared up!!


i cannot understand why you need to ferret this time of year.if you are a full ime pest controller i could understand or if you needed food for kitts,but why go out knowing theres a possibility that youre going to get lay ups all the time due to there being baby rabbits in setts AND not use a ferret locator.if youre ferrets meant that much to you ,you would have bought a locator and collars regardless of cost and wouldnt have even considered going ferreting this time of year unless it was really necesarry.food for thought and hopefully a valuable lesson learned!!



col he is in austrailier mate :)



hahaha,didnt notice that,sorry victor :thumbs:


i thought it was some numb headed chav with no common sence




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Sorry to hear about your hobs mate but they may well show up were you on a farm or what ask the farmer to keep a lookout for your hobs i know a ferret jill who showed up exactly three weeks after she done a runner.Healthy and as fit as a fiddle

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Sorry to hear about your hobs mate but they may well show up were you on a farm or what ask the farmer to keep a lookout for your hobs i know a ferret jill who showed up exactly three weeks after she done a runner.Healthy and as fit as a fiddle


Do you know how big the farms are in Australia? Totally different scenario ferreting down there to here.

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