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Decoying.co.uk at the Scottish Game Fair

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Deako and his partner Mark Taylor along with the gorgeous Lara and young Barry had their stand at the Scottish Game Fair, Scone Palace :good: despite some bad weather I think they made a few bob and had a good time :good: John and the team invited me and Cheryl the office adminisraitor from Sac's (btw She's another stunner) to have something to eat with them on the Friday night. One of Deako and Marks mates Andy, turned up with a basket with over a dozen lobsters in it :clapper: Cheryl nearly had kittens when she dicovered the Lobsters were still alive :11: Nobody else had Lobster to eat except me and Deako, because!!! neither of us can affoerd this delicacy we both tucked in with Deako doing the cooking. Now Deako is a funny and genorous guy but he's a greedy Fecker!! where things like this are concerned :blink: by the time I started my fourth he had polished of the rest :diablo:


After a few beers behind their stand it was off to the beer tent and more laughs :11: I told the lads about the boys from the Fife and Kinross working Terrier club celebrating their 25th anniversary as a club, and that they were holding a barbecue and buffet on the Saturday night and attendance was by invitation only!! but the members of my club ( Neilston Working Dog Association ) were invited because we have close links with the Fifers!! Mark and Deako said it sounded a good do but they'ed probably be in the beer tent that night :(


The following Saturday morning while at the Fife Terrier boy's stand and ring, I was telling Jock Wardop and Colm, I was drinking with friends in the beer tent the night before, and had a good time. Jock, Colm and the rest of the Fife boy's said " Tam if their mates of yours we'd be delighted if they came to the anniversary buffet" The team from decoying .co.uk were duly accepted by the Scottish Terrier lads :welcomeani: and a great night was had by all :good:




Ps; Deako and Mark!!! thanks :signthankspin: for donating the camoflage gear to be donated at the lurcher and terrier show at Buxton in aid of breast cancer charity I'm bricking it never helped being an auctioneer before :blink:

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Cheers Tom,


Despite the pissing rain, we had an excellent show in the end. :) Had a good time at both the bar and with the terrier boys. :good:


Sadly, YOU missed the best bit when you nipped out of the bar to have a chat with someone outside...Lara and Cheryl put on a VERY exciting lap dance between the pair of them which brought the place to a standstill!!


I haven't quite got over that yet... :icon_eek::icon_eek:

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tom i saw you at the fair and every time i tried to go over and say hello you were chatting up your good looking young assitant! :clapper:


You should still have come over, I had the pleasure of that stunning young lady's company all weekend :clapper: Hundreds of working dogs a stunning woman on your arm for a weekend :good: what more could an old guy like me ask for :11: Aaaaah Heaven :guitar:



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