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Air rifle silencer query

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i have had this old Titan single shot 0.177 cal pcp for over 10 yrs its pretty mint but hardly ever use it....untill lately....


dunnoe why i havent used it more ...but ...anyway would love to fit a silencer to it ...i know nowt bout air rifle silencers the barrel is only bout 10mm and sits above the charged air storage cylinder...the barrel is not threaded in anyway...


can i get a "push-on" type silencer or can i buy an "adaptor" and silencer together? and if so what type & any good sites with them that i can get em to send one to my local gunshop??



bear in mind most ive seen online are 13mm upwards.....im pretty sure mine is bout 10mm


any titan /falcon experts out there?





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Have a look here


If the barrel is that thin, you may have to make a sleeve for it






thats something you dont see every day scuba making a mistake in one of his posts. the link leads to a spare cylinder for an aa s200.

anyway i heard that pcps over 10 years old need to be sent back to the manufactureres to have their cylinders replaced.

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Guest Scuba1
Have a look here


If the barrel is that thin, you may have to make a sleeve for it






thats something you dont see every day scuba making a mistake in one of his posts. the link leads to a spare cylinder for an aa s200.

anyway i heard that pcps over 10 years old need to be sent back to the manufactureres to have their cylinders replaced.

:clapper: :clapper: :clapper:


Bottom right on that page.......... have another look and you will see the adaptor :cheers:



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Have a look here


If the barrel is that thin, you may have to make a sleeve for it






thats something you dont see every day scuba making a mistake in one of his posts. the link leads to a spare cylinder for an aa s200.

anyway i heard that pcps over 10 years old need to be sent back to the manufactureres to have their cylinders replaced.

:clapper: :clapper: :clapper:


Bottom right on that page.......... have another look and you will see the adaptor :cheers:




oops sorry i dident see that scuba :icon_redface: . anyway does anybody know if pcps over 10 years old need to be sent back to the manufactureres to have their cylinders replaced because it says it in the owners manual aswell or is this just a trick to get you to buy a new gun before that ?

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Guest Scuba1

Technically they should have an inspection, but as they are not filled in a public place and don't have a stamp on them with the date of manufacture as a rule its a bit of a grey area.





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Guest Scuba1
sorry to jump the thread, how long have pcp's been out, i've only had 1, cheers


The Austrian army used them over 200 years ago and the grandfather of the PCP is a lot older then his springer counterpart.

Here is an English made one from Balk of Doncaster, 80 bore






Edited by Scuba1
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i have had this old Titan single shot 0.177 cal pcp for over 10 yrs its pretty mint but hardly ever use it....untill lately....


dunnoe why i havent used it more ...but ...anyway would love to fit a silencer to it ...i know nowt bout air rifle silencers the barrel is only bout 10mm and sits above the charged air storage cylinder...the barrel is not threaded in anyway...


can i get a "push-on" type silencer or can i buy an "adaptor" and silencer together? and if so what type & any good sites with them that i can get em to send one to my local gunshop??



bear in mind most ive seen online are 13mm upwards.....im pretty sure mine is bout 10mm


any titan /falcon experts out there?







You can get adapters and you can get Falcon Moderators, take a look on Falcons website, but most dealers should be able to help anyway!

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sorry to jump the thread, how long have pcp's been out, i've only had 1, cheers


The Austrian army used them over 200 years ago and the grandfather of the PCP is a lot older then his springer counterpart.

Here is an English made one from Balk of Doncaster, 80 bore






vintage, cheers scuba

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