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Thoughts on breeding your own line

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i agree with threbb there although i wont bread from my dogs unless i know they are going to be a decent enough amount of people wanting them first but as said if the parents are of good enough quality to start/make a line then there should be more homes than there are pup's only problem is finding decent people to go out to work your dogs with aint easy everybody on here like the idea of showing of piks and causing arguements but you never see anyone meeting up for a nights lamping or day with the ferrets or that and realy it would only be threw meeting up with new folk that anyone even new your dogs were worth talking about .

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ill agree with that kreet,folks need to travel meet like minded folk and realy open their eyes to what is about and how the dogs are bred,in all honesty its hard to find genuine folk that are genuinly constructive in what they say about your dogs as long as it is constructive critisisum not blind gelousey.a lot of kennel blindness also exists no matter haw good the ability of a hound if its not got the hole package it should not be bred from.going back to the original thred i do feel all the mentioned blood could add well to a strain of lurcher if put to gether properly.i like collie blooded animals and so heres mine.



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nice dogs doga iv never personaly been a great fan of the collie but in all honestly iv never owned one or realy seen one run i do though understand how usefull the collie blood is in a lurcher just never seen one thats taken my fancy , The beardie type collie lurchers i do however like there is something about them that draws me to them maybe if you had the power strength courage and drive of the bull the brains the eagerness to please and obedience of the collie and the sheer speed of a greyhound then personaly a cant see anything in britain that couldnt be part of the dogs quary (if we didnt have the ban).

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  threbb said:
  dirtwinger said:
  arcticgun said:
There is probaly enough decent breeding lines out there already, using worker to worker, without others adding to the pot, to many dogs are already sat in pounds and wandering the streets, without others adding to the problem. I do understand people taking a lining from a dog that is special to them, but they should ensure that all the pups are going to a decent home, prior to considering it.


Atvb Richard

I agree with what your saying but there is nothing intrinsicley wrong with breeding your own line. Several things need to be in place first, first and foremost the dogs need to have been proven before being bred. They may not be what you are aiming for in the long run but they must be able to produce useful dogs. Your goal is to produce one or two you will keep but just as importantly you must plan for homes for all the other pups you will produce.

I am developing my own line here in the US simply because no one breeds what I want. I still waited nine years between litters. Once I had customers lined up I decided to breed, some of my customers have been waiting for four years for a pup so preparation is important. Breeding a line is not a simple decision and you need to plan ahead up to ten years. In the UK it is probably easier to buy what you want as it will be available somewhere, it is perhaps better to pay more for what you want and travel to get it if need be. It will probably be cheaper in the long run and less stressful.


All the best Dirtwinger

I think if you want to avoid stress and are keen on saving money I agree dont get involved in working dog breeding.Why nine years between litters and how do you create a family or a line by doing that?.It is very difficult to guarantee homes in advance unless the parents are good at what they do and everyone knows it but if you have an ideal in mind and you are breeding a line then shouldnt your priorities be with the stock you are keeping for work and to produce the next generation and not with the surplus.If you spend to much time worrying about what you dont want i think you might fail.

I waited so long because my old dog kept on working and doing the job season after season. plus I got lucky and my bitch came about from a accidental mating that produced more the type I wanted. When It was time to retire my old dog that was when I bred him. Many people have seen my dogs work I have had as many as fifty people in the field watching him run so interest in his pups has grown over the years. One of my customers has been waiting for four years and will drive over 1500miles to pick his pup up next month. As to my priorities they are mine right or wrong, if I get the dogs I want out of it I am happy.


all the best Dirtwinger

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  kreet said:
nice dogs doga iv never personaly been a great fan of the collie but in all honestly iv never owned one or realy seen one run i do though understand how usefull the collie blood is in a lurcher just never seen one thats taken my fancy , The beardie type collie lurchers i do however like there is something about them that draws me to them maybe if you had the power strength courage and drive of the bull the brains the eagerness to please and obedience of the collie and the sheer speed of a greyhound then personaly a cant see anything in britain that couldnt be part of the dogs quary (if we didnt have the ban).

the little bitch in the pic is beardie bred even though she is marked like a collie,very eager at six months harsh bramble and stingers doesnt deter the bitch


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nice wee bitch they never seem to bother about a sting the collies i saw a cracking beardiex work a while back she was only 13 months but never seen a dog work with long nets like it in my life .

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you have decide weather you can guarentee good homes for everydog you get ,

all u need is it 2 go to a bad home and they raise it bad and it attacks [bANNED TEXT] and word gets around that its your line .


it should never be about the money . EVER


to many dogs get thrown out its heart breaking no amount of money should ever compare to the love and respect you give to your dog :thumbs:

breed your dog but when YOU want a pup from her :D

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