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do people pay to borrow a vasectomised hob?

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anyone think it would be good to have a pinned topic on vets around the counry, as it may work out cheaper for someone to drive a few miles to another area to see a vet, specially if they want a few ferts done


my two hobs cost £120 the pair, but they then wanted another £120 to check the op had been successful (which it was'ent) as one of them is still firing live rounds :icon_redface:

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I would give the owner of the hob at least a tenner or maybe a few rabbits if you're short of cash.

If you leave on good standing then you can always ask the person for the favour again.

Round here the minimum to get a hob done is 80 quid


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this may be the exception to the the rule but i pm'd a chap of the database on here a few weeks ago after getting a jill already well in season - she was little 'thin' to be considered for kits this year and the man was only too happy to help!! - i called at his and he offered me his hob (complete with nice bow back carrier) - no questions asked for the week - needless to say the job was well and truly done in that time. It goes without saying that the lad was treated like a king for his stay and returned in top form. I didnt get to say thanks to the man in person when returning the fert' but rest assured i will be showing my gratitude to him in due course ;)



I love it when a plan comes together!!!





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ive got a vasectomised hob which i borrowed , now the woman does not want anything for the service but her young lad is just starting out at the game so i will give him some nets and some money to help him out , job done hes happy iam happy :thumbs:

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i took my two jills round to a very nice lady on here for the weekend and a good job was done thank you, no payment was asked for i did leave a case of beer to say thank you as you would.



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