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Helped out at a deer accident tonight

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Hi Folks,

thought I'd post this on here.


Was coming back from some rabbit shooting tonight & noticed a woman at the side of the road with hazards on looking worried.

Stopped & asked if she was ok - her husband had hit a deer.


She said she had called the vets & they were on the way.


Had to cover the deers head as it was getting stressed & trying to get away with 2 rear broken legs.


Vet arrived - injected some pain relief/relaxant


Womans phone goes (her husband) overheard her saying its getting some pain relief.


Vet couldn't find the heart!! so went for the neck & injected the big syringe full of bye bye sleepy stuff!! (woman still thinks its ok at this point).


We put the deer in the back of the vets car & I mentioned to the vet that the woman thought it was going to be saved & probably doesn't realise it's dead!!


Vet looked shocked so I said - I think you should explain it to her :o


Poor womans probably in bits now!!

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this is gonna sound bad but thats why i always carry a knife in the motor, hanging bout waiting on vet and to me every second counts as major stress in situation like that...


personally tell the people from the car that hit it whats going to happen and why it must be done...stress humane etc etc....then ask them to look away and dispatch as quickly as possible!!! granted my area its all Roe .....dunnoe if would work with big Reds etc!! hehehe


but i believe if possible and the beast is obvioulsy hurt majorly stop its pain stop its stress and dispatch asap




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Thing is I was on my way back from shooting some rabbits so had my knife on me but I reckon the woman would have had a fit if I had done it. As said, even when we put the dead deer in the back of the car she thought it was going to be treated!!!

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Thing is I was on my way back from shooting some rabbits so had my knife on me but I reckon the woman would have had a fit if I had done it. As said, even when we put the dead deer in the back of the car she thought it was going to be treated!!!


some people have no idea about the real life do they. any way, good on you for stopping to help out

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It was a roe deer, starting to have a nice head on it too.


She had already contacted the police & the vets so the wheels were already in motion, could have caused me more grief than it was worth.

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Guest joe ox
i wouldnt eat deer road kill the bloke in my gun shop told me never eat deer road kill as the adrenilin is then all in the meat makes it taste foul

but i bet the dogs wouldnt mind it


I doubt there is any more adrenalin in a road kill than there is in a wounded deer tracked by a dog, in some cases probably less as a road kill can be killed out right.

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had a mate hit a deer and took it on the right front shoulder at side o the road...he picked it up stuck it in his garage and phoned me at midnight so i went along the road and gralloched it and hung it went round next morning and skinned it not expecting much......as expected front shoulder was not even fit for my brothers dogs but the rest was fine including 99% o the saddle ...RESULT!!!!


I put it in my coke chiller for 5 or 6 days and split it between him and i and there was absolutely nowt wrong with it !!!!




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