gnasher16 30,583 Posted May 21, 2009 Report Share Posted May 21, 2009 What a degrading thing to have to watch.....but a good example of how low standards have become dogs and people.......when i was a teen you took pride in how tough you was yes.....but not how tough your dog was !.....i grew up in shithole estates like them and yes the first thing you wanted to do was learn to take care of and my pals joined a boxing club....other lads lifted weights etc etc......but going out and buying a dog so someone didnt mess with you embarrassing !......todays youngsters have such low standards and that reflects in the piss poor dogs they keep in piss poor condition......silly little kids playing silly games with toys they dont understand. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
richard25 0 Posted May 21, 2009 Report Share Posted May 21, 2009 Firstly ill state what i would like to happen with the Dangerous dog law ( although obviously its not going to ) I would like to see anyone who breeds a dog to have the dog microchipped & all breeders MUST be ultimately responsible for there litters as this would atleast stop some pricks & for all dogs to be licensed & stricter laws on owners as lets face it thats the problem not the dog breed BSL crap which has proved nothing but totally useless its the pointless life of these owners draining our society, wonder how many of the kids sign on? Now the program, it made me cringe it was terrible from the presenter to even the direction it went in with the propaganda & footage of the most stupid owners full stop, we could all do a show about that with any given breed pretty much & show the worst cases but it was just horrible, everyone associated with that production should be ashamed in my book as it was complete rubbish. From the west drayton officer saying about "we take dogs that people have reported" etc which is complete lies ( i have my dog back to prove it as i had no complaints against my dog & she is one of the most well trained eager and most friendly/ submissive dogs you would ever meet & we were out in a Dog park doing nothing wrong at all? or atleast i thought as she was a rescue ) Then showing the little girl who had her face ripped off? come on wtf did they think she is going to say about them? yea lets make them legal breeds again & then the presenter at the end of that segment saying he can see why they are banned? Also the points made about the "fighting breeds" being illegal, like Tosa's, Yes they are used as a japanese fighting dog OK, next the Fila? When was a fila ever a fighting dog? and how many of them ever attacked people in the UK? and the oddest one which is the Dogo Argentino which is bred to hunt in packs & not a known or common dog fighting dog? Abit odd to say the least. The second most worse thing i saw on that program though was the owners, all of them even the kid with the half trained Rottie big deal the dog sits & comes on command hell that should be a standard for every dog handler/ owner, they just made me feel sick & showed exactly the kind of problems i deal with daily living in central london & thats not even from me working here, thats just living here & prime examples of the dicks i meet whilst out walking my three dogs, its either the police bothering you or stupid kids like them saying WOW you breeding that dog? do they have lock jaw? come on People... Good on you strong stuff i wish more people spoke out. The worst thing i saw on the program though was the poor dogs that are used an abused like this on a daily schedule & stil love people, Now you talk about good temperments, what more could you want from a dog? Just another point to be made? what do you think the poor girl would have looked like or would she even be alive if a dog like a GSD, Rottie, Dobe, AB and pretty much every other large breed working type dog got hold of her? Breed profiling will never work & there are facts to prove it. I have three dogs a AB, a Spaniel & gem really my staffie cross but registered as a pitbull type & out of the three dogs i feel most comfortable with gem playing with my two daughters as she is so gentle although obviously like ANY responsible owner you should never leave kids & dogs un supervised, it was only this morning my two year old was pulling at her and she was getting excited like she was being petted lol come on talk about a gentle nature? not a bad bone in her body yet the police said well shes capable still? hell yea as are about 200 other breeds that are totally legal all over the world but hey im not bitter!!!!! I think they should have interviewed someone like dare i say it Cesar Millan. My report of this program is as follows It was completely inaccurate, ill thought out & finished with the pizzazz of London showing exactly the kind of social problems going on in London & exactly why this country is going down the pan. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
caol_an 0 Posted May 21, 2009 Report Share Posted May 21, 2009 will this program be repeated or anyone got a link ? Heres the link, just about to watch it myself now. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
richard25 0 Posted May 21, 2009 Report Share Posted May 21, 2009 What a degrading thing to have to watch.....but a good example of how low standards have become dogs and people.......when i was a teen you took pride in how tough you was yes.....but not how tough your dog was !.....i grew up in shithole estates like them and yes the first thing you wanted to do was learn to take care of and my pals joined a boxing club....other lads lifted weights etc etc......but going out and buying a dog so someone didnt mess with you embarrassing !......todays youngsters have such low standards and that reflects in the piss poor dogs they keep in piss poor condition......silly little kids playing silly games with toys they dont understand. Couldnt agree with you more and nicely put ending... Quote Link to post Share on other sites
richard25 0 Posted May 21, 2009 Report Share Posted May 21, 2009 lol im so annoyed i could write about this subject all night!!!!!! Beware ALL Programs like this & generally just the daily public i meet really make me just "give up" on people, i just dont have the time really for people i dont know generally & whilst out walking my three dogs i try & avoid talking to anyone & probably come across rude sometimes but Ignorance really really really grates on me & in general people are ignorant to anything they dont know or understand & especially in the canine world its only ever going to be the dog that suffers, oh sure afew bite back but hey if i was a dog i would wipe out this nation for the abuse we put them under yet they just forgive you like a sucker everytime. When people see me walking down the road they would probably assume im similar to these little punks, Im only 26 & look quite young & when not working in my boring office job which i have to get suited & booted for i relax & throw on my combats or trackies & a jacket dare i say even a hooded jumper in the winter & they see me walking with two biggish dogs & my spaniel ( which throws them off for a second lol ) yet if you spoke to me you would find out Im a half decent working father of two & keep three dogs one of which has a title in Mondio & the other trained in SAR & know a reasonable amount about blood lines, nutrition & the general health of canines which aint half bad but i also know & this is the most important part. I know enough to know i dont know it all! Quote Link to post Share on other sites
bird 10,013 Posted May 21, 2009 Report Share Posted May 21, 2009 You can see whats going to happen here, a little child is going is going to get hurt or killed, with these PRICKS having powerfull dogs. Its not the breed that should be Banned, its them Twats that Should be feckin Banned, from keeping dogs. . Pits, Rottie, in the Right hands with a job to do are good breed of Dogs, in the Wrong hands like them PRICKS are Dangerous Dogs. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
dogman89 0 Posted May 21, 2009 Report Share Posted May 21, 2009 what a bunch of chavvy fucks...even if them dogs do bite anyone or anything them c**ts dont even no how to part them Quote Link to post Share on other sites
richard25 0 Posted May 21, 2009 Report Share Posted May 21, 2009 The sad thing about this program & those alike is i could probably make a program not to different to training techniques & abuse handed out in this program & all filming could be done in police kennels! and the sick thing about that is atleast these kids can use the excue there dumb, the police cant use that excuse. Im a member on the protection Uk forum and the talk sometimes coming from people within that work is a joke from macho crap about the handler aggresive dogs to general just there attitude towards the public. Pretty sad really when you think about it. but thats the point most people will turn of there computer later & not have to think about this subject again. Good ol Ignorance helps everytime! Quote Link to post Share on other sites
daleboy2009 0 Posted May 21, 2009 Report Share Posted May 21, 2009 You can see whats going to happen here, a little child is going is going to get hurt or killed, with these PRICKS having powerfull dogs. Its not the breed that should be Banned, its them Twats that Should be feckin Banned, from keeping dogs. . Pits, Rottie, in the Right hands with a job to do are good breed of Dogs, in the Wrong hands like them PRICKS are Dangerous Dogs. you so right there well said this man Quote Link to post Share on other sites
gnasher16 30,583 Posted May 21, 2009 Report Share Posted May 21, 2009 lol im so annoyed i could write about this subject all night!!!!!! Beware ALL Probably easy for me to say as i dont live in the east end of london anymore.....but i wouldnt let it get to you mate.....i know i shouldnt but i find programs like these and kids like these quite amusing nowadays. None of us can right the wrongs in society so just laugh it off and rise above it. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Miss Tarka 3 Posted May 21, 2009 Report Share Posted May 21, 2009 I watched this programe and it made me sooo angry as if the large..strong breeds dont have enough bad press to contend with....i dont think it was bias at all it was simply highlighting the fact that youths/gangs get theses 'status' dogs for all the wrong reasons...and big dogs are becoming more and more of a craze and unfortunetly it is to those who dont know what they are doing...... The two staffs in the first cctv fighting through the fence....had me shouting at the tv...f**k**g idiots..kicking and punchng the dogs to tr yand break it up....all the while its just spurring them on... The poor dogs in the vet just shows what people out there are capable of and it makes me think they admitted that they use physical violence to teach their dogs aggression is amazes me people pay more attention to what dog men/women do with working their dogs and just let people like these go undetected.... i really just struggle to understand the mentality of these people I admire the lad with the rottie he first came across as an arrogant **** but as he was interviewed more he came over could see his rottie was well looked after and incredibly well trained...the 'attack' command was less disareable but you cant deny the dog was under control all the time......fair play to him...but his friend with the staff x...idiot... The lad with the 'pit x rottie' was hmmmm....i struggle to find any constructive words to say....just.....unbelievable... Ive always said that its not the breed its the way they are brought up...that and the press ive always said that you only ever hear of the dog attacks by rottie..staffys...'pits'...mastiffs etce tc...yet 90% of dog bites are caused by little dogs are 'soft' dogs i.e.Labs, Collies etc but '6 Year old attacked by YORKSHIRE TERRIER' doesnt really grab peoples attention does it.....i stick by this and always will this program has just highlighted that fact... Was a good watch....made me angry but was interesting.... Atb Miss T x Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Simoman 110 Posted May 21, 2009 Report Share Posted May 21, 2009 I knew the program would wind me up so I avoided it, these people and the programs giving these turds a platform is another kick in the balls against dog owners............. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
daleboy2009 0 Posted May 21, 2009 Report Share Posted May 21, 2009 you got that right it not the dogs it's the lads who keep them Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Bosun11 537 Posted May 21, 2009 Report Share Posted May 21, 2009 I knew the program would wind me up so I avoided it, these people and the programs giving these turds a platform is another kick in the balls against dog owners............. Thats you and me both Simo, I see enough of that shite on a daily basis in the neighbourhood anyway.... Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Joanne70 0 Posted May 21, 2009 Report Share Posted May 21, 2009 It is just about to be repeated in 15 mins Quote Link to post Share on other sites
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