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THL Lamping Competition 2009/10

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The kicking rule is for when the rabbit runs down the beam towards you, it wont count if you kick the fecker it has to be your dog that stops it, unless you cant physically get out the way of it................. ;)

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Well done for organising the comp LDR ............


I suppose its one way of meeting vunerable young men!! :D



In a dark secluded environment :D



Where no one can hear them scream




Funny fuckers aint you all...................... :feck::feck::feck:

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  • 2 weeks later...
Right then lads and lasses here are the rules for this years competition, have a read through them and if you have any questions feel free to ask, or if you are happy with how its going to be run then send me a PM telling me you want to enter, by doing this we take it you have read and understand the rules and that you will be able to pay your entry fee by the specified date..................please remember to send your entry request by PM as these are the ones that will take priority...............if we get 32 dogs in this year we will be placing the comp to 3rd place, so come on guys lets try and get a decent turn out.............................. :victory::victory::victory::victory:


The rules for the lamping competition for 2009/10 are as follows.........


Please read these rules fully, once you've agreed and entered the competition the rules are non negotiable and no exceptions will be made will be made. These rules are for your

benefit and to ensure a clear and even playing field!!!


This competition will comprise of a 16 or 32 dog stake, you are allowed one entry per person and you will need to name the dog you intend to enter when you pay your entry fee...

you can change this dog before the competition starts, but it does have to be your own dog, once you have run your first heat the dog you start with will have to be the dog you run for the duration of the

competition. The entry fee will be £50, this will need to be paid in cash and sent via special delivery to ensure nothing gets lost in the post, once this is paid it is non

refundable and again no exceptions will be made as this is the prize money for the winner and runner/s up. Once your money is recieved and your place is confirmed, you'll need

to send me a message with your details.....name, location, whether you have permission or not, contact number and the dog you are entering with a picture of the dog.

If we get 32 dogs enterd this year, the money will be placed to third with trophies for all 3 competitiors.


Entry money will have to be in by the first of August and the competition will start from the first of September.


Entrants must be at least 18 years old and have access to a car in order to travel to their heats, it will not be acceptable to take a mate along for the night as he has given

you a lift, on the night of the heats it will be the two competitors and a judge, this means that competitors will have to carry thier own catch throughout the heats.


Once we have the final numbers in and everyones details, these will be split according to peoples locations and a line will be drawn through the country. This is to try and

ensure that the first heat will be somewhere in your half of the country. Names will be drawn from two hats, a northern hat and a southern hat and these will be placed on a

table that will be followed down the line, for example the winners of heats 1 and 2 and 3 and 4, will automatically face each other in the next round and so on and so on, till

we get to the final. Once you have been paired up you will be given each others contact details and you will then be appointed a judge and it will be down to yourselves to

decide a date and location to run you heat on. If you dont have permission to go lamping on and your opponent does then they have presidence and the heat will have to be run

on their land. If neither party has permission for lamping, you'll have to arrange between yourselves where you go and organise a judge.


The heat itself will be ran over a 3 hour period and will run on alternate slips, you will each slip your own dog, lamp your own rabbits and as said before carry your own catch.

Once you have slipped your dog that counts as a slip, regardless of the outcome, if your dog is unsighted then it can only be down to your error as you should have a

partnership with your dog and know whether he/she is ready to go, if your dog misses the rabbit it's in pursuit of and then gets on the back of another one, that will not

count as a kill at the end of the night.......it has to be the rabbit your dog first picked up on to count, kicked up rabbits dont count towards your final score either.

If at the end of the 3 hours the numbers are all even, it will go

to sudden death and you will have alternate slips till someone misses..........most rabbits in the bag at the end of the night wins and goes through to the next heat!!!


Once you are paired up we suggest you arrange to run your heat ASAP and then make contact with your next opponent too so you can plan your next heat, we are looking to get this

competition finished before Christmas if possible, as this will avoid the final being run at the end of the season, when rabbits will either be lamp shy or pairing up for the

breeding season, this will also be a nice little bit of money for the finalists in time for the Christmas period. This might mean that you could end up running 2 heats in the

space of a week, but seeing as we all work our dogs, i'm sure we are all out more than once or twice a week.




If your dog gets injured during your heat, your opponent will still need to beat the number of rabbits caught within the time period to win. If your dog gets injured between

heats you'll be given time to get the injury checked out and ascertain how serious the problem is and whether your dog will be ready in time for your next opponent. If your dog

is unable to continue for whatever reason in the competition, the opponent you would have faced next will bet a 'BY' into the next round.




This competition will be kept exclusively for members of THL, if you are banned for any reason from the site, you will automatically be excluded from the competition, likewise

if you fail to turn up to a heat for whatever reason, this will result in you being disqualified..........if it is deemed that you are trying to jeopardise the competition in

anyway you'll be out of the running!!!!!


We have several locations across the country for the final and this will be dictated by who is in the final!!!


Remember this is not a field trial or retrieving competition, it is meant to be a bit of fun and a chance for like minded folk to get together and see each others dogs working,

so lets keep it friendly and let the dogs do the talking!!!!!!!!!!!

is it to late to enter now if so count me in for next year it sounds great
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  • 5 months later...

i read it tomo sound s alrite apart from sh has good land and the judges desision rest not bad , what i dont understand is that sh had to travel from stirling to liverpool then to newcastle to lamp when he has real good land an hour away with plenty rabbits and well away from other hunters etc they could had run it there , and they wouldnt had need to stray poach to get a run , and it never says anything about best freinds judgin each other etc ,

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i read it tomo sound s alrite apart from sh has good land and the judges desision rest not bad , what i dont understand is that sh had to travel from stirling to liverpool then to newcastle to lamp when he has real good land an hour away with plenty rabbits and well away from other hunters etc they could had run it there , and they wouldnt had need to stray poach to get a run , and it never says anything about best freinds judgin each other etc ,


i have explaind about friends judging :thumbs: it would always be best for a nutural judge, i agree , but like i have said getting one is a diffrent matter. :thumbs:

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only way not here for fun and to me hunting the way i go about it aint fun at times so you have to be fair to people in comps only way , , but when i saw things not going [bANNED TEXT] i thought fech you cant take fellow hunters money without ethics and sound judging

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