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Next doors moaning.

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Now then airgun folks, have you ever had the problem with your next doors complaining that they think your going to accidently shoot them with your gun, I have just lately because we have new folk next door, they could hear the metal pellet trap twang when I was paper punching, and thought the riquochet would hit them, with best intentions I binned the metal trap in favour of some thing quieter, this is what I came up with, just a wooden box with three wall bricks at the back, the pellet hits the bricks and deadens the sound, its been neighbour tested and given the seal of approval, peice now reigns, target bashing has recomensed, and an invite to next doors BBQ on Sunday looks promissing, so anyone else in the same boat, feel free to use my design, its not copywrited. :laugh: Or if you have something you think is better, lets see it. :)




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hi stealthy1

i got a prat at the back of me every time i plink in the garden he keeps shouting "PUT THAT AIR RIFLE AWAY" i just shout back

"COME ROUND AND NOCK ON MY DOOR, AND ASK ME NICELY " he never turns up , but my neibours either side are fine

hope you get it sorted




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Cheers lads, glad I'm not the only one who has prats next door, I've been resiting the urge to let my shepherd eat his cat, but I've had him round, and he and his Mrs who by the way is quite fit, seem happy now, so fingers crossed eh! :D

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I use a couple off old 300 wide kitchen cabinets at diferent ranges, stuck some bricks in the back and if I want to really be quiet pin targets to a taped up phone book.


I was asked by my neighbour the other day why I never practice shooting in the garden which shows how quite a HW100 can be, as usually get out at least once a day for a quick practice.

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Ive been aqccused of scaring the nextdoor but ones nabour with the noise from my gun when the dog was inside, and you lot know how quiet the weilrach silencers are. I think its just because they dont agree with kiling things (the doesy moo used live rat traps to catch them in the garage and let them go at bottom of garden.

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