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big head now boiled out

Guest remmy

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  wireviz said:
The weight is certainly there Dave might have been better to put a measuring tape up the side that's were a lot of the points are scored i shot a head last season its wet weight was 683 and it finished at 603 still made gold but only just making 130.7. his length was 26.5 cent


Hi dave, i`ve had heads at 550 grams make gold so i wouldn`t worry about it, don`t cut it before its measured as they can only deduced 90 grams for uncut heads, you might cut more than that off!

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Guest remmy

i took it up to a guy who measures heads at scone for the bds and he recons it will go gold, i have to wait the 90days for it to get done so fingers crossed it will make it. alb remmy.

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[i hope it wasn't Alister Trumpet from Stirling he could measure his cock .I though he had been took of the CIC measureing team.

With regards it going gold i am sure it will time will tell. Foxy had a gold that went silver also ha ha

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I'm sure it will make a gold mate.


I had a buck a few years ago that dried out to 610g and ended up with a score of 139.


The most important factor is the volume as you will make more points off that than from the weight.



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  wireviz said:
[i hope it wasn't Alister Trumpet from Stirling he could measure his cock .I though he had been took of the CIC measureing team.

With regards it going gold i am sure it will time will tell. Foxy had a gold that went silver also ha ha


How do you know its a silver , have you got a crystal ball as it hasnt been measured yet .


It will be getting measured at Scone so I will let you know ;)

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[Only only presumed that you new the score of the head you shot and said in one of your previous posts that your head weighed out at a silver. Christal balls i might have but no Christal ball :o



( FOXHUNTER WROTE)Ive got a silver in the cupboard , wonder what it would fetch ??????????

Edited by wireviz
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  wireviz said:
[Only only presumed that you new the score of the head you shot and said in one of your previous posts that your head weighed out at a silver. Christal balls i might have but no Christal ball :o



( FOXHUNTER WROTE)Ive got a silver in the cupboard , wonder what it would fetch ??????????


Yep I have got a silver in the cupboard but that was a different buck shot a few years ago ;)


I am hoping that this one makes Gold , not that I desire trophies just I think it is every roe stalkers dream !!!

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This one i got a few weeks back and i am sure will make a medal

Edited by wireviz
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to add fuel to the fire so to speak


i was that annoyed with the treatment i recieved at the Scone game fair the last 2 years running. i was very privileged to be able to go in 2 years running to have heads measured, but the service i recieved was shocking.


I was treated and spoken to like i was the sh!t on someone's shoe. i was ignored whilst waiting for over 10 minutes to be seen when returning in the afternoon to pick up my roe head.....only for a guy dressed like a laird to walk in and they were fawning all over him...i excused myself explaining i had been waiting and what i was there for...only to be glowered at and looked down their noses so much im surprised they could see.

I understand they meet up and a chance for them all to get together but they are also there to provide a service!!! and just because im joe blogss and not some toff?!?!?!?!


i have a head this year and i have sent it down south ....i refuse to put them into Scone now.

i was considering now looking at the service that BASC & Dominic griffith are providing.



Edited by sauer
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Mine went to richard prior and i must admit to getting a good service i got the score sheet and the official certificate from the CIC. I think he is still the best and doesn't seem to have an axe to grind against honest hard working deerstalkers like some.

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i tried to get Richard Prior but hes recovering form a hospital trip lately i was told but i sent it down to a guy cic in England, explained why i wasnt going to scone with it and service and attitudes etc he was very good on the phone and will see what he comes back with regarding my heads




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