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dog cage :thumbdown: i hate the use of these disgusting items ............... if you have no room for the dog or you have no room to build a decent kennel then get rid of the dog ... how would you like to be locked in a cage ????

putting the dog in a cage for an hour or so is better than getting RID of the dog to some scum who will dump it or miss treat it!!!!! i would say use a cage put some bones and toys in it so the dog dose not get bored also i used to use a kong which is a big ball you can stuff with food kept mine happy for hours hope this helps.

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We recommend crate training- not as somewhere to lock the dog but as the dogs own space. Especially when some one has children. They are not cruel if used & dog trained correctly. We always recommend using the crate as the dogs 'reward or bed' space. The dog should be able to stand up & turn around comforatbly.

A kong with meat mixed with bit of tuna & frozen is a good boredom buster. or meat with some peanut butter. A 'treat 'ball is another good one- ball that you put treats in & dog has to push it around to get treats out.

My 1st dog was a nightmare for chewing & been destructive. He wasnt bored- he was just been a puppy. He would chew & pull stuff apart whilst you were there if he felt like it.

Defo labx rather than lurcher but its a nice dog & fair play to you for rescuing it.

Dont be frightened to use a crate but put an old tshirt, jumper that has your smell on it. You may find that dog will go to crate to sleep anyway as they find the closed space a comfort.

Dont worry about building a kennel- if you dont want to keep outside it isnt necessary. The dog will get better buts its young & generally just been a pain.

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