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The Great Escape........!

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I am working a few days on a rabbit proof netting contract and have been netting down the steep bank behind an ancient dam. I was asked to inspect some existing netting to repair anywhere that had been breached by the persistent rabbits. The netting was all intact.........but there was still a load of rabbit activity on the lawn to the golf club house. It was then i spotted the bolt-hole a full 8-10 feet form the fence line in the manicured lawn...........with a hole a full 6 feet from the fence on the other side, these little feckers were digging the channel tunnel me thinks :o It just goes to show no matter how good the rabbit proof netting is..........they can and will still find a way to bypass the system ;) When i have finished the netting section i am on.........I will seal this entry point off as well........AFTER running the ferret through of course.



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It's a nightmare.

I work 3 days a week maintaining the gardens on a large estate.

The big house and it's gardens are all enclosed by a rabbit fence. It's a constant battle to keep on top of them trying to breach the defence :D

I found a hole last week on the outside of the fence, stuck my hand in and right enough it went under the fence but could I find the hole on the other side, could I f**ck, the next time I was there I took my old hob, put him in and then lost him, out with the locator and he had emerged a full ten feet in the middle of a rhodendrum bush. :o

Worse however are the deer, no respect for rabbit fences :D ate the tops of my shallots last week :angry:

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you sure someone hasn't run off with the flag? :blink: ............ :D

Maybe the rabbit has.........because he will be waving it in surrender when i run the ferret through tomorrow ;) before destroying and filling the tunnel sytem leading to the bolt hole and re-turfing it.

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and re-turfing it.


remember mate, green side up :icon_redface:



I know a bloke who laid a whole load of turf upside down! :yes: His boss came back to find a whole area of brown turf! He said "what the f**k have you done, that's upside down!"


The bloke said, "No it's not, the grass grows up through the mud!" :doh::laugh:

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could you not use that hole to your advantage put a tunnel over it with a fen or something???


Thinking that myself :hmm::D

No, not really as it is in the lawn of the clubhouse and on the practice putting green. The hole the other side of the fence is someone elses property....... So it'll be a quick run through with the ferret then destroy the tunnel system i'm afraid. ;)



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