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have you been penalised for hunting in some way?

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Well said Al :clapper: I did a weeks work experience in a fecking curtain shop, it was a week of my life I will never get back :blink: all the interesting or exciting work placements were allready taken so I got stuck making daft fecking pelmets :doh: the only enjoyment I got out of it was spending the entire time secretly sticking pins deep into all the cushions with the sharp end pointing outwards :toast:

haha love it...i was supsed to be at the npatoinal trust for 6 month, but no i hunt and all us hunters are eeeeevil haha

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the only enjoyment I got out of it was spending the entire time secretly sticking pins deep into all the cushions with the sharp end pointing outwards :toast:


Your a psycho :laugh:


Bet your face was a picture when they give you the p45 :icon_eek:



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Don't worry about them Jen, you get sad do gooders in all walks of life, but a word to the wise, it is sometimes better to say nothing,

now i'm not saying you should deny what you do,

but just don't go offering the fact that you do unless they ask. :blink:


Good luck on your next job though. ;)



Ian B, is that picture of the bird that murdered her fella and claimed it was road rage?


Andrews??? seems to ring a bell.

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Don't worry about them Jen, you get sad do gooders in all walks of life, but a word to the wise, it is sometimes better to say nothing,

now i'm not saying you should deny what you do,

but just don't go offering the fact that you do unless they ask. :blink:


Good luck on your next job though. ;)



Ian B, is that picture of the bird that murdered her fella and claimed it was road rage?


Andrews??? seems to ring a bell.


Its SJM having a bad day, after using the voodoo doll :laugh:

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Don't worry about them Jen, you get sad do gooders in all walks of life, but a word to the wise, it is sometimes better to say nothing,

now i'm not saying you should deny what you do,

but just don't go offering the fact that you do unless they ask. :blink:


Good luck on your next job though. ;)



Ian B, is that picture of the bird that murdered her fella and claimed it was road rage?


Andrews??? seems to ring a bell.

thanks for the advice:D i cant even remember mentioning it in the interview, on my CV it has "countryside activitys" in my hobbys but maybe, as the place is local they went digging and people tend to remember my name for some reason so maybes thats were they got the info from.....i dont say nothing unless asked about hunting but hey ho....there loss :D

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Peanalised for hunting ?, well someone in my fishing club was peanalised for fishing

He used to take on dogs from the RSPCA and give them a really good life, you know the sort, 5 year old plus dog that nobody wants to take on.

Well a year or two back his last dog dies and after a few months without a dog he decides its time to take on another dog

So its off to the RSPCA who inform him in no uncertain terms that they have become aware that he fishes for a hobby, and that as such he is an unsuitable candidate for taking on a dog as the RSPCA are anti fishing.

So thats a dog thats deprived of a life out in the country with someone who is retired and fishes most days walking 4 or 5 miles

Thats an animal that is likely to end up god knows where thanks to the warped, ignorant policies instigated by the likes of Jackie Ballard

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That is ridiculous :o I wonder if the general public would be so keen to support them if they knew about stuff like this, anti fishing ffs whatever next, I suppose they will be calling for a ban on digging worms as bait as its cruel :blink:

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There is an upbeat ending to the tale, unfortunatley the RSPCA failed to reckon with the strong reserve of the man whom i am talking about.

I saw him a few months after and he was looking very upbeat, i asked him if he had managed to get a dog from another source and he said that he had not but he had got himself a horse instead and had taken up riding

Now this is a man who has health issues that he never lets get him down, he was experiencing 12 falls a week but since taking up riding his falls had (scuse the pun) fallen to 4 per week, he rode the horse twice a week and made it available to riding for the disabled for the rest of the time so that others who are less fortunate than most of us could ride the horse

Nobody in my fishing club as far as i am aware has had any time for the RSPCA since then

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Nice one a good ending to the tale :clapper: I used to loan my highland pony out to the riding for disabled and watching the happy faces on those kids as they went round the arena was just great :clapper:

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Mate of mine got chucked out of art class for whipping out a fox brush once! :D


The art teacher in question was part of a group called 'Friends of the earth.' They used to do a club after school for all the hippy type kids. They also used to go along to try to sabotage the local hunt, until they tried spaying hairspray into the faces of hounds once, and a few of them had 'close encounters of a shovel kind..' :D


Anyway, there were a few of us who were in to our hunting, and we all used to sit together. The old pottery teacher was a bit of a countryman, into his fishing & shooting for the pot, and he laughed his balls off when we told him what had happened in the other class! :laugh:



".............i got alot and i mean ALOT of sh*t for hunting at school"



You CAN'T hunt at school FFS!











Oh yes you can Swampers! :yes: in fact I spent most of the 4th/5th year hunting about for the adolescent males favourite furry little critter! ;):D

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There is an upbeat ending to the tale, unfortunatley the RSPCA failed to reckon with the strong reserve of the man whom i am talking about.

I saw him a few months after and he was looking very upbeat, i asked him if he had managed to get a dog from another source and he said that he had not but he had got himself a horse instead and had taken up riding

Now this is a man who has health issues that he never lets get him down, he was experiencing 12 falls a week but since taking up riding his falls had (scuse the pun) fallen to 4 per week, he rode the horse twice a week and made it available to riding for the disabled for the rest of the time so that others who are less fortunate than most of us could ride the horse

Nobody in my fishing club as far as i am aware has had any time for the RSPCA since then

thats a lovley story :D


".............i got alot and i mean ALOT of sh*t for hunting at school"



You CAN'T hunt at school FFS!









yes i clearly went round with an air rifle hunting in the middle of the school yard..............kidding kidding, i mean i got alot of hassel for being pro hunt

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"Mate of mine got chucked out of art class for whipping out a fox brush once! "



Hey Malt' I hope that a fox brush isn't a euphamism!



Although................was it an all boys school?









Ninging in class

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