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No, it is illegal in the UK to use a crossbow or bow to kill deer.


Although I'm sure there are certain specialist bows on the market that are more than capable to do the job.


They are very popular in the US and Africa on animals much larger than our native deer. Just because we don't do something in this country doesn't mean it's wrong, each to their own and all that!


She's got balls!!!!!!!!!!!



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No, it is illegal in the UK to use a crossbow or bow to kill deer.


Although I'm sure there are certain specialist bows on the market that are more than capable to do the job.


They are very popular in the US and Africa on animals much larger than our native deer. Just because we don't do something in this country doesn't mean it's wrong, each to their own and all that!


She's got balls!!!!!!!!!!!




She'd snap me in half :clapper:

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know what your saying mark each to their own and all that ....plus the skill needed for arrow placement etc.....




reading the article the "elephant travelled 500 yards then was left to die overnight"


sorry but thats a f*cking disgrace!!!!! left to die overnight......no-one nearby or could go get a suitable calibre weapon to "dispatch" the animal?????


if that was done over here intentionally on a stag or something and knownly left overnight to die youd get shot down in flames!!!!


nothing should be left to die over such time scale intentionally



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know what your saying mark each to their own and all that ....plus the skill needed for arrow placement etc.....




reading the article the "elephant travelled 500 yards then was left to die overnight"


sorry but thats a f*cking disgrace!!!!! left to die overnight......no-one nearby or could go get a suitable calibre weapon to "dispatch" the animal?????


if that was done over here intentionally on a stag or something and knownly left overnight to die youd get shot down in flames!!!!


nothing should be left to die over such time scale intentionally





I think you may need to do a bit of reading up on how an arrow kills...... :)

No one ever shoots an animal with a bow and runs straight over to inspect it......

An arrow kills by haemorage, in most of the cases....

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know what your saying mark each to their own and all that ....plus the skill needed for arrow placement etc.....




reading the article the "elephant travelled 500 yards then was left to die overnight"


sorry but thats a f*cking disgrace!!!!! left to die overnight......no-one nearby or could go get a suitable calibre weapon to "dispatch" the animal?????


if that was done over here intentionally on a stag or something and knownly left overnight to die youd get shot down in flames!!!!


nothing should be left to die over such time scale intentionally





I think you may need to do a bit of reading up on how an arrow kills...... :)

No one ever shoots an animal with a bow and runs straight over to inspect it......

An arrow kills by haemorage, in most of the cases....

Agree with Sauer,maybe why the last one was 60 years ago,but hey all in a good cause there was a BET at stake.

Fecking shoot her with an arrow and leave her to die overnight,as Sauer says a f*cking disgrace.

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I think it is...and always will be a touchy subject.


When i was at a trophy hunting outfitters in NZ, i went out with some Americans who were there to hunt a red stag with a bow. It is very skilled, theres no doubting that,more so than anyone with a rifle, and when correctly used is a great piece of hunting equipment, theres no doubt about that. i witnessed animals taken with bow as they should be. Just like shooting though i witnessed animals taken not so well.


Personally im not a fan, but it obviously has its place. This could turn out to be a very long thread!





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There are a few things mentioned in the article that I don't agree with but I mainly posted it up to show that there are bows and crossbows well capable of killing large animals.


What I don't agree with is people telling other people that they shouldn't do something simply because of their own sporting beliefs.


It's just as bad as an anti telling us not to shoot the fluffy bunnies because they don't agree with killing things.


I'm not saying it's right or wrong but it's not fair to shoot people down in flames just because you don't agree with it.





I've never fired a bow or seen an animal shot with one.

Edited by mj robson
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Well chaps, a good reason not to believe everything the media reports on.....


Firstly the last one shot with a bow wasn't sixty years ago. I can tell you now that many elephant are harvested each year, fully legally, by bowhunters. Not for a silly "bet" but for the whole experience and sensation of being right in there amongst elephants. They are not endangered you know!

The biased piece of journalistic clap-trap is obviously written to make the whole thing sound as vulgar as possible.

The arrow will have entered the elephants chest cavity at 270-300 feet per second. And for those unfamiliar with arrowheads, it wont have been a piece of sharpened flint like the Red Indians used, its modern hardened and chemically sharpened steel that you can shave with. Such is the sharpness and the speed that i doubt the elephant would know what had happened.


The bow is very quiet and doesnt scare the animals like a rifle, therefore the animal would have little idea as to what was happening.


The way an arrow kills is generally by the collapse of the lungs as they flood with blood from all the severed viens. Elephants lungs do not collapse as well as say, a deer, and so time has to be given for the animal to lay down and die. To rush in would endanger the shooter and PH and also cause the elephant to spook, sending it further into dense cover making retreiving the carcase much harder.


The elephant will not have been left where it dropped, the whole carcase will have been butchered and used by the locals and the revenue paid to shoot an elephant will have injected cash into the country (about $10,000 last i heard).



Thats just my take on things....maybe the bowhunters in the US don't like the idea of terrierwork in the Uk, or lamping rabbits, and maybe someone in the media has wrote a damning report on some of our fieldsports in the UK and it twisting the americans minds...who knows Eh?...But please, don't beleive all the media say....JD

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I 100% fully agree with Darcy,...shooting animals with a bow is much more of a test, of markmanship, skill, field craft, of everything,...ive shot many, MANY deer over here with rifles...shot a few Elk as well,...from .243 all the way upto .300 win mag...imo, there is little skill (compared to bow hunting) in harvesting a animal with a rifle...ive seen an Elk shot in its wallow with a bow, and the bow was ony 45lbs draw weight...we where 25 yards from him, and on being shot ( a very good shot, in the heart/lung area) the bull continued to FEED!,...we thought the guy had missed, and as i passed him another arrow, we heard a splash, looked up and the Elk was dead in its wallow!...crazy stuff!...a complete pass through!


I have little, to no time (personally) for harvesting any animal with a gun (although i love squirrel hunting with air rifle and the .22) its too easy,...i like the idea of PRIMITIVE hunting, how Man would have done it all them thousands of years ago, in the company of dogs, aided buy just a knife, or spear, maybe a bow...its what hunting IS,...killing summat at 200-300 yards is very in-personal to me, and very video game like,...do i hate, or slam gun hunters on the Net?...NO way in hell would i,...its EVERY persons right to do as they please, and i stand buy the "United we stand, divided we're f****d!" theory!...i applaud the woman on her skill and devotion, and although im not keen on the 'doing it for a bet' deal, she did it, and the animal was not wasted,...wheres the harm?



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Hi, i went to New Zealand last year and we went out on a day trip with some marae's (These are the race which most of them live off catching their own stuff) and it was brilliant. One of the major things in their life style is killing animals for their consumption. The couple of marae's who we went out with took us to watch them hunt, they used a bow and arrow and a crude harpoon/spear kind of thing. They were great shots with a bow and arrow and they were also great shots with the spears. There is a time and a place for hunting with bow and arrows, and that is not in the UK. If you hit a deer in the heart using a strong crossbow and a decent spear, it will more then likely kill it. But do not go around killing deer in the UK with a crossbow.

Hope this helps,


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im not saying that it doesnt take skill and i did say in my orginal post that i appreciate the GREAT skill required to kill cleanly with a crossbow


but why do it with sucha a weapon and leave it to slowly die in the way that Darcy has explained happened ??


still think a suitable calibre to the brain would be more humane.


i also agree and know that these animals have no been so successfully protected in recent years that they need culling in some areas.


im sorry i just dont agree with it





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