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Charging My Logun Solo

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I havent ever charged my rifle myself before, and today my cousin got a new rifle and pump, i'm using his pump to charge my rifle but when I get it to the point shown (in the picture) and begin to pump, the ticker on the pump doesnt move and I can hear air hissing out of the adaptor but not going into the rifle, also the adaptor seems to slide into the air slot really easy, like theres no friction.


Does this sound like the 'o' rings have gone on my adaptor?






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right, i've been to the plumb centre and got some o rings, someone in another thread mentioned something about lubricating them, will a drop of WD40 do the trick? or is this no good just incase some gets in the air barrell?

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i ended up using some lube from condom to lubricate it! But I think the pump might of bust, i was pumping away and heard a pop, anyhow I couldn't see owt, i stopped trying to charge it, took everything out and tightened all the bolts on the pump, tried again - but the needle seems to start on '20barr' and doesn't go down to 0, my cousin ain't even used it yet!!

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Is the air leaking from the bottom of the pump, the pipe, where the adapter inserts into the gun or the gun itself?


A few quick things to check, is the release pressure valve on the front of the pump closed?


Is the gun cocked? if so fire into the lawn and try again.


Is the adapter inserted fully? it should be pushed in all the way up to the nut.






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the adaptor is pushed right up to the nut, I replaced the o'rings and it did seem to work better but still not perfect, the bleed nut on the pump itself is turned 'off'.


The gun isn't cocked either and the air seems to leak from the adaptor area, when I fill using a dive bottle I don't have this problem so I think i'm gunna stick to that to be honest.


When my cousin came over we did it using his rifle and seemed to work okay, altho when we got to around 100bar it was to hard untill we bled the air off and put another hundred in, they seem a bit of a nuicance these pumps.

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In that case I don't know what it is, I'm sorry.


Pumps are notoriously difficult! from about 150-200bar is a nightmare! to push it down the last 2 inchs takes all my weight leaning on it!

When your pumping it, you have to build the internal pressure of the pump to the same level as the gun (usually fairly easy to do) then it will suddenly become hard to pump, this is when the pump and gun have equalised. It relies on positive pressure to force the guns valve open. so by the sounds of it your gun is at 100bar at the moment, so from 100-200 bar is going to be hard work!

When using a pump, it's best to pump the gun up after every use.

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cheers for the advice, something else I wondered - When I attatch the pump to the gun, shouldn't the gauge already tell you whats in the gun? i.e Say theres already 150 in the gun but I want to top it up to 200 how do I know i'm not putting over 200 into the gun and damaging bits?

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cheers for the advice, something else I wondered - When I attatch the pump to the gun, shouldn't the gauge already tell you whats in the gun? i.e Say theres already 150 in the gun but I want to top it up to 200 how do I know i'm not putting over 200 into the gun and damaging bits?


No it dont when you start pumping it will be easy until you reach the pressure thats in the gun. then it will get harder as you are topping the gun up and you should be able to hear the air going in.


And when you hear a pop that means that the air was not goin in the gun and pressure was just building up. This may have damaged your adaptor seals.

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i ended up using some lube from condom to lubricate it! But I think the pump might of bust, i was pumping away and heard a pop, anyhow I couldn't see owt, i stopped trying to charge it, took everything out and tightened all the bolts on the pump, tried again - but the needle seems to start on '20barr' and doesn't go down to 0, my cousin ain't even used it yet!!


thats exactly the same as the adaptor on my gun and my advice would be buy loads of them o rings as they wear down about every 10 fills and start to leak which makes pumping harder and the pop you heard may of been one of the o rings inside the pump breaking thats what happened to mine

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