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About time all these sites made every member look through missing dogs, before they could sign on to any topics. Some one, some were knows who is stealing these dogs and who's kennels they are stored in. The people who get dogs in to their kennels or breed from dogs that have no history to them just think why they have got no history. For me the people getting these dogs into their kennels are worse than the scum that take them.



Ask the history of dogs and make sure its true by asking question,s of owners in the history of the dog.


Even if it was just a page with a photo of each missing dog to look through before you enter main forum, every one needs to see the dogs that are missing.

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A gallery of stolen/lost dogs would be good. Just small pic and click on it for details. It would be so much easier than trawling through previous posts and how many bother to do that anyway.

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