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bringing on the patterdale terrier

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Guest rodsmith
when i was younger i was feeding my snake live mice then the wifey in the shop cottoned on, she was gonna blow me up to the rspca, take the lot off you


had to resd your reply twice,thought you said the petshop lady was going to blow you,he he he. :icon_eek: :sick:

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Guest rodsmith



i reckon its an anti scum bag.accused him of being one earlier yet he didnt reply.id not be happy if someone accused me of being one,would you???????

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Guest rodsmith
had to resd your reply twice,thought you said the petshop lady was going to blow you,he he he

fook that she looked like that susan boyle




"Saves a Wa*k though!!" :laugh::laugh::clapper:

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hi all thanks for ur many coments she will go to ground or stick her head in a hole she does not seem to switch on till she has been out for about half hour when ur out walking she seems to check any holes including bunny holes thanks all

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry, were I'm from that is not classified as baiting. Rodsmith I am not an anti! I was offended by some or the posts so just stayed away for this thread for awhile. But most of you are right. I am not too experienced with Earth hunting yet(only two seasons under my belt) and should have just stayed quiet and let the more experienced hunters reply. I just saw Rebels request for help that was not replied to yet and tried to help. Looks like I did more harm than good. I'll try to bite my tongue until I have a lot more experience.

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Kazar, what you said was a little thoughtless, and in England is considered to be illegal. Nixy, you would have been fine just kindly putting Kazar right, not swearing and cursing at him. This is what realy pisses me off on this site, okay, one person kindly putting Kazar right would have been substancial. Kazar, don't let some of these 'THL smart asses' put you off posting, infuture make sure you only put correct information on peoples threads. If someone makes a silly somment, it does not mean everyone should rudely mock him, only one person has to kindly put him right.

Enough said,


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Hi rebel I would play around with her a bit to make sure she's ready to work game for real then begin hunting in ernest with her on the easiest game available to you and develop her from there. Nutria work well if you have access to them. In trying to see if she's ready for real hunting you could try buying some rats at the local pet shop and seeing if she will kill them. Begin as easy as you can and gradually make each kill more and more challenging until you have her really hunting for them and readily going deep into tight dens after the biggest, wildest rats you can get your hands on. After that, like I said, begin hunting in ernest and she will hopefully develop nicely for you. The best way to develop a young working dog in my opinion is to wait until they are ready and then give them an easy kill, but take it away as soon as the dog kills it and tease her to develop keenness for the next kill. After that work on there keenness to hunt and avoid pushing a slow maturing or low drive dog too fast as it develops. A dog like that may never become a good worker, but if it does it will probably only become a reliable worker after many months of slow careful work. I would kennel that type of dog and make hunting the only exciting thing in its life. A super high drive, high courage dog develops from 16 months easily and is very resilient to mistakes, taking them in stride with seemingly little or no ill effects, but a low drive, low courage dog can be tough to develop into a good worker. Good luck.
the only thing that surprises me is that you didnt suggest hamsters first, i hear there real mean
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Hi rebel I would play around with her a bit to make sure she's ready to work game for real then begin hunting in ernest with her on the easiest game available to you and develop her from there. Nutria work well if you have access to them. In trying to see if she's ready for real hunting you could try buying some rats at the local pet shop and seeing if she will kill them. Begin as easy as you can and gradually make each kill more and more challenging until you have her really hunting for them and readily going deep into tight dens after the biggest, wildest rats you can get your hands on. After that, like I said, begin hunting in ernest and she will hopefully develop nicely for you. The best way to develop a young working dog in my opinion is to wait until they are ready and then give them an easy kill, but take it away as soon as the dog kills it and tease her to develop keenness for the next kill. After that work on there keenness to hunt and avoid pushing a slow maturing or low drive dog too fast as it develops. A dog like that may never become a good worker, but if it does it will probably only become a reliable worker after many months of slow careful work. I would kennel that type of dog and make hunting the only exciting thing in its life. A super high drive, high courage dog develops from 16 months easily and is very resilient to mistakes, taking them in stride with seemingly little or no ill effects, but a low drive, low courage dog can be tough to develop into a good worker. Good luck.
the only thing that surprises me is that you didnt suggest hamsters first, i hear there real mean
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Hi rebel I would play around with her a bit to make sure she's ready to work game for real then begin hunting in ernest with her on the easiest game available to you and develop her from there. Nutria work well if you have access to them. In trying to see if she's ready for real hunting you could try buying some rats at the local pet shop and seeing if she will kill them. Begin as easy as you can and gradually make each kill more and more challenging until you have her really hunting for them and readily going deep into tight dens after the biggest, wildest rats you can get your hands on. After that, like I said, begin hunting in ernest and she will hopefully develop nicely for you. The best way to develop a young working dog in my opinion is to wait until they are ready and then give them an easy kill, but take it away as soon as the dog kills it and tease her to develop keenness for the next kill. After that work on there keenness to hunt and avoid pushing a slow maturing or low drive dog too fast as it develops. A dog like that may never become a good worker, but if it does it will probably only become a reliable worker after many months of slow careful work. I would kennel that type of dog and make hunting the only exciting thing in its life. A super high drive, high courage dog develops from 16 months easily and is very resilient to mistakes, taking them in stride with seemingly little or no ill effects, but a low drive, low courage dog can be tough to develop into a good worker. Good luck.



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Hi rebel I would play around with her a bit to make sure she's ready to work game for real then begin hunting in ernest with her on the easiest game available to you and develop her from there. Nutria work well if you have access to them. In trying to see if she's ready for real hunting you could try buying some rats at the local pet shop and seeing if she will kill them. Begin as easy as you can and gradually make each kill more and more challenging until you have her really hunting for them and readily going deep into tight dens after the biggest, wildest rats you can get your hands on. After that, like I said, begin hunting in ernest and she will hopefully develop nicely for you. The best way to develop a young working dog in my opinion is to wait until they are ready and then give them an easy kill, but take it away as soon as the dog kills it and tease her to develop keenness for the next kill. After that work on there keenness to hunt and avoid pushing a slow maturing or low drive dog too fast as it develops. A dog like that may never become a good worker, but if it does it will probably only become a reliable worker after many months of slow careful work. I would kennel that type of dog and make hunting the only exciting thing in its life. A super high drive, high courage dog develops from 16 months easily and is very resilient to mistakes, taking them in stride with seemingly little or no ill effects, but a low drive, low courage dog can be tough to develop into a good worker. Good luck.



Are you sure about that
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