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Perish the thought but if we were to be limited to one gun in any one calibre what would you settle for? Not the maker, the calibre. I reckon I'd go for .220 Swift but then I'm a mad old . . . person!


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im goin for a .338 lapua magnum only becuase ive had a hardon for the thing for months now :laugh:

Hows about a 14.5mm Dragunov anti-materiel sniper jobbie? Tho with a 7 foot barrel the slip case costs a fortune!


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im goin for a .338 lapua magnum only becuase ive had a hardon for the thing for months now :laugh:

Hows about a 14.5mm Dragunov anti-materiel sniper jobbie? Tho with a 7 foot barrel the slip case costs a fortune!



it might be slight overkill for the rabbits though. doesnt promote the shooting cause. best to stick to the .50BMG

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Realtime now, the .22 rimfire will kill anything that flys/swims/crawls in these Islands.

So I don't need 50 calibre cannons or flame throwers, I just need to hide in the 'bushes' until whatever I want to eat comes closer than 50 yards. How hard is that? (If you'll pardon the pun).

Surviving you I'd say


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