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how do i fix it.

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Guest Scuba1
my zoom on my scopes are sticking half way and i have to force it higher or lower does anyone know what coulod be wrong thanks.


Sounds like you got dirt in it and there is no easy fix for that.






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Guest Scuba1

You would have to strip that bit down, but the problem is that scopes are sealed so as not to get moisture inthere and when you break the seal you'll get air in there with the moisture it carries and then it may fog up

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Guest buster321c

If its the one on that Ultra , then its not an A/O , so are you on about the eye bell end , if so then you mean the mag ? if thats the case you should`nt really be changing this anyway .







I mean this as the ` eye bell` end and not the eye `bell end ! ` LOL

Edited by buster321c
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If its the one on that Ultra , then its not an A/O , so are you on about the eye bell end , if so then you mean the mag ? if thats the case you should`nt really be changing this anyway .


its the thing that has numbers from 3-9 and when i want to zoom in from 3 it sticks at about 4-5 and needs to be forced past the bit where it sticks. and its dosent have a mag mate its single shot. im unexperienced with rifles so any info would be greatfull thanks buster.

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Guest buster321c

Right you mean the mag ( magnification ) , this is on the eye bell of the scope , and if your shooting air rifles it should be set to `suit ` you . I keep my mag at 6-7 and it suits me , some people higher , some lower , but you`ll find what suits you . Once you have it set , leave it where it is , and if your new to air rifles put it on 4-5 , and get some practise with it . Its not broken so dont worry , as Scuba said it probably dirt in it or something , but set it and leave it alone , no need to worry over that :thumbs:

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Guest buster321c
im getting rid of it on sunday and im worried about the sale as it might effect the sale for me and cheers buster for the info mate atb.


No mate , its nothing to worry over , if they pick up on it , just say you`ve never turned it :whistling::whistling:

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