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*getting my new G wire haird pointer tomorow*

Guest wildogman

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Guest wildogman

Finelally getting my new german wirehaired pointer tomorow ,

But my prob is its got a med size tail and argghh...... on my old gwp had a docked one but this one is 3 months old and youre not supose to do it after 1 week or so since birth ...and any tail docking hints tips ect any help for my dogs age ...... but if it doesent loook too bad tomorow when i get it i'll leave it ...but if it's long i dont no yet couse most G pointers are short tails 'ecept shorthaird ones wich are useually long' so yeah just posting in for lil advice lol and yeah hope tomorow go's well and i get it ,, going too get it on dear fox rabbits n reatreaving ect everything :p any ways i'll post some pictures when i get it hopefully ...... ill keep posted ;)B) :whistle: :unsure::(:no: :11: :ph34r:






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:clapper: top man, ya getting ya self the best allrounder :clapper: depends on where ya hunting ya dog to worry to much about it's tail, however if ya can find a vet that will dock it when it gets older say at a year old it will be sweet. if ya hunt in alot of blackberry the tail will soon get scratched and infected after a few solid days hunting. am waiting still on my new pups as well and plan on using them on everything including pigs ;) they make awesome deer dogs as well with only very basic training, unlike it's shorthair cousin. [bANNED TEXT] part of oz are you mate??
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Guest wildogman

:signthankspin: haha yeah they are one off best dogs i say best for everything and thanks for that idea about it getting scratched n that it would happen aye and im in N.S.W huntter vally and theres 1099999999 off pigs here also and plenty off dear :11: i'lll be picking the dog up later im pritty happy about it ive had one befor and lost it 18 months back and it got stolen and i brought it with us when we moved out here from the uk we been here 4 year's and yea im guna get back into hunting now its guna be awesome are any off youre pointers got long tail's and yea i dont think they look the same with them long and oo mine isent that long just mediom lol but anyways thank's for post man :clapper: and what part nz are you?


  kiwi said:
:clapper: top man, ya getting ya self the best allrounder :clapper: depends on where ya hunting ya dog to worry to much about it's tail, however if ya can find a vet that will dock it when it gets older say at a year old it will be sweet. if ya hunt in alot of blackberry the tail will soon get scratched and infected after a few solid days hunting. am waiting still on my new pups as well and plan on using them on everything including pigs ;) they make awesome deer dogs as well with only very basic training, unlike it's shorthair cousin. [bANNED TEXT] part of oz are you mate??
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Guest wildogman

and hey all i got my gwp pup had him a week today and he's a awesome dog looks very well im off out soon to get him into bushes for a walk he's 3 months old grr she told me a pokey l0l any ways i need help posting pics l0l and one :) i'll get some pics in asap :guitar::clapper::yahoo: oh hang on see if this works

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