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i have got a hancocks cross and she is cuming on brilliant shes six month old and she had her first rabbit a few days ago as i was training her to go fru cover it was an axident but i was happy about it :clapper: the only problem i am having an i wud like some advise if any 1 can help is that she will not retrive to hand she gets about two foot away and drops wat ever shes retriving any advise thankx

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i know this might seem a bit silly to some but you could try getting her to retrieve a gundog dummies then giving her treat when she has come to you, when you have got her doing that for a while cover the dummy in a rabbit skin and continue giving her treats, tried this with my pups and found it to work all of mine retrieved out in the field


good luck

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  bear rabbit hunter said:
i do use treats [bANNED TEXT] and she does retrieve a dummie with the rabbit skin on but she will not hold it she keeps dropping short of hand cud this be the problem with using treats

could be :(

i do hope she gets out of it, can be very frustrating



funny enough just been talking to afreind she had a irish water spaniel do the same and she was told to leave the retrieving work off for a bit then start again but when the dog starts coming towards you turn and start walking the other way don't know if this would help your dog but might be worth a try

good luck

Edited by surrey lass
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  bear rabbit hunter said:
i have got a hancocks cross and she is cuming on brilliant shes six month old and she had her first rabbit a few days ago as i was training her to go fru cover it was an axident but i was happy about it :clapper: the only problem i am having an i wud like some advise if any 1 can help is that she will not retrive to hand she gets about two foot away and drops wat ever shes retriving any advise thankx



clip your dummy on a dog lead, swing it around and let her chase and catch it, then have a game of tug a war, when you stop she will hold onto the dummy untill you take it but if she does not repeat the game and play tug a war again untill she holds it. through the dummy as normal and she should bring it right in and not drop short. the trick is to play tug a war as little as possible and only ever repeat the game if your dog starts to drop short again, other wise your dog will want to play tug a war with everything all the time.



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Hello Mate


Try teaching the pup to "Hold" the dummy, by placing it in its mouth and telling it hold, hold its mouth shut round the dummy, let it carry the dummy, using the command hold.

When it does this do some short retreives, as it approaches use the command "Hold", dont give treats unless it does it, the penny should drop after a while.

Then practice until competent but dont over do it.

Good luck.

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all of this is sound advise & persiverence with patience will usually

pay but your dog is retreiving so what if it doesn't come the last

yard or so it aint the end of the world & if you relax the dog may

just get it they can pick up your frustration even if you think you've

masked it. good luck Pritch

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young dogs will sometimes do this with the first few rabbits she may change on her own and bring to hand try walking away from her as if your not to bothered see what happens then try the old treats trick aswell good luck mate.

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