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Police to stop monitoring hunts

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It was bound to happen ! gerrit upya LACS etc.

good news, about time they got priorities a bit more on track.

Have just noticed this within the article mind "In future, forces should rely on anti-hunt activists to produce information," Which sounds to me like the police are inviting antis to gather evidence / disrupt hunts themselves which hopefully will not mean that there will be even more lentil eating terrorists carrying camcorders or other gyrocopter flying idiots littering the countryside


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Guest jt750
Sounds promising for the hunts and its followers. About time too. :yes:


Still leaves hunting with dogs with intent to pursue game etc......


Where does this stand?


Seems like the hunts have their house in order. The resources will probably go on chasing the pratts on forums like this that keep posting fuel for the anti's is all i can say

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Sounds promising for the hunts and its followers. About time too. :yes:


Still leaves hunting with dogs with intent to pursue game etc......


Where does this stand?


Seems like the hunts have their house in order. The resources will probably go on chasing the pratts on forums like this that keep posting fuel for the anti's is all i can say


Yes agree there.

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A good, if slightly ineviatable move from the Police given the constraints put on their already limited resources


However it does worry me a bit, will we now see the so called hunt monitors stepping up their efforts a gear or two ?


given that most of them are confirmed antis this could be a worrying tern of events

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A good, if slightly ineviatable move from the Police given the constraints put on their already limited resources


However it does worry me a bit, will we now see the so called hunt monitors stepping up their efforts a gear or two ?


given that most of them are confirmed antis this could be a worrying tern of events


The antis cant really step it up more than they have been doing, the death of a hunt follower as an example. The court ruling a short time back will make prosecutions even less likely. The ruling more or less said you cant find a pack of hounds guilty so film of a pack hunting a fox is of no use, it must show huntsman encourageing(with intent!!) hounds, fox etc all in one shot. The exmoor huntsman who was found guilty was only fined £500 (he got off at apeal), whats £500 quid for 4 years of hunting between all the followers.

Keep hunting!

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