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buying bullet heads

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i went to go and buy a rifle from the dealer today but after a cock up theyre ordering one in for me.


anyway i have 60 to buy 100 to hold for my .243 but because im reloading im buying bullet heads instead. the dealer said that because i only have 60 to buy i cant buy a box because they come in 100's (even though i confirmed with my FEO that i would be reloading). this puzzled me because i think im right in saying that you can get bullet heads delivered to your home as long as they dont have an expansion capability so why do expanding bullets count as buying the rounds themselves. am i right to assume you can buy as many bullet heads as you want or am i going to send my certificate back again to get it amended?


Cheers Jack

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Sounds like a lot of misconception here!


For a start, your tally of 60 to buy and 100 to keep only covers whole rounds, i.e. those which have all components in them, head, case, primer and powder.


You can hold as many heads as you wish to, same as a lot of powder, as many cases and primers as you want. Until they are loaded together, they do not constitute a live round and are not applicable to the total you are allowed to acquire and hold.


You cannot mail order expanding heads or primers, they have to be sold face to face on production of an FAC.


In your situation, you could have bought 1000 heads, 1000 primers, as many cases and tubs of powder as you wished to today without falling foul of the law. As long as you don't have in your possession at any one time, more than 100 complete rounds, you are perfectly legal.

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Sounds like a lot of misconception here!


For a start, your tally of 60 to buy and 100 to keep only covers whole rounds, i.e. those which have all components in them, head, case, primer and powder.


You can hold as many heads as you wish to, same as a lot of powder, as many cases and primers as you want. Until they are loaded together, they do not constitute a live round and are not applicable to the total you are allowed to acquire and hold.


You cannot mail order expanding heads or primers, they have to be sold face to face on production of an FAC.


In your situation, you could have bought 1000 heads, 1000 primers, as many cases and tubs of powder as you wished to today without falling foul of the law. As long as you don't have in your possession at any one time, more than 100 complete rounds, you are perfectly legal.


thanks ss i thought it seemed a bit odd. how do i go about convincing my dealer that im not lying? he agreed that it was ridiculous as well but he seemed adamant he was correct.

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Ring your Licensing Dept. and ask for the number of the FEO that covers that business. Give him a ring ask him if he'd explain to the shop its all above board and legal. What i'd do ;)


cheers SS thanks for the help. i just rang a dealers in Ayreshire and hes sending me a brand new remington 700 sps dm on Monday morning for £495. seems cheap considering it was £665 for a standard sps with the floorpate mag at my local dealers. so im a pretty happy bunny at the moment. :clapper:


also links for brass? preferably Winchester or Lapua

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Sporting shooter, My FAC is worded thus; "2. Ammunition including expanding ammunition and expanding missiles". :(


I have 160 hold, 100 buy. Thats in total for both, printed on my FAC.


I think this may depend on your Firearms Departments wording, because I have a mate near Whitland in Carmarthenshire who does not have this restriction. He has Northern Europes surplus supply of bullets in his reloading room :blink:


Atb, ft

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I didn't really consider that Flytie, first time I've seen it :( Sorry situation if thats the case, mine is worded much the same as your friends in Whitland. He is with Dyfed-Powys Police whereas I'm with South Wales, but it seems they are both similar.


In that case Arvey, type up exactly what you FAC states in relation to Ammunition and we can deliberate either way ;)

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I didn't really consider that Flytie, first time I've seen it :( Sorry situation if thats the case, mine is worded much the same as your friends in Whitland. He is with Dyfed-Powys Police whereas I'm with South Wales, but it seems they are both similar.


In that case Arvey, type up exactly what you FAC states in relation to Ammunition and we can deliberate either way ;)


it states "the holder of this certificate may possess, purchase or acquire expanding ammunition, or the missiles of such ammunition, in the calibres authorised by this certificate and use only in connection with: (a) the lawful shooting of deer;(B) the shooting of vermin or, in connection with the management of any estate, other wildlife;©the humane killing of animals;(d) the shooting of animals for the protection of other animals or humans."


thats under the conditions


then under part 2 for ammunition it states

ammunition including expanding ammunition and expanding missiles .243 100 to be possessed and 60 to buy.


what does yours state ss?

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If I can find it, i'll post it for you Arvey ;)


But it seems that your dealer is correct in that you personally cannot possess over 100 expanding bullet heads :( Sorry for the mis information, but I stupidly assumed things would be the same with ammunition.


You can still buy one box of heads if they amount to 100, but you cannot have any other ammunition in your possession after that.

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my certificate states that i can only buy 60 at any one time so im either going to have to send back my certificate or find out whether their regions policies allow for me to buy the bullet heads without restrictions. because they know that i intend to reload. i wouldn't have thought they'd have made a mistake. they had enough time to sort it out

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Oh dear!

Your shopkeeper is a knob, as previously stated the 60 buy hold 100 appplies ONLY to loaded ammo, the reason it's 60 and 100 is because nearly all factory centrefire ammo comes in boxes of 20, and 60/100 divides nicely by 20.

In fact your granny can buy 1,000's of FMJ bullet heads in all the calibres and all the weights that his shop has without any authority at all, you can even have them posted to you. (Doh! Mr Homer Gunshop man)

Shop somewhere else if I were you, if he doesn't understand basic stuff like that what other 'howlers' has he up his sleeve?


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Oh dear!

Your shopkeeper is a knob, as previously stated the 60 buy hold 100 appplies ONLY to loaded ammo, the reason it's 60 and 100 is because nearly all factory centrefire ammo comes in boxes of 20, and 60/100 divides nicely by 20.

In fact your granny can buy 1,000's of FMJ bullet heads in all the calibres and all the weights that his shop has without any authority at all, you can even have them posted to you. (Doh! Mr Homer Gunshop man)

Shop somewhere else if I were you, if he doesn't understand basic stuff like that what other 'howlers' has he up his sleeve?



Andy do you reload? if so what does your certificate state. to be honest my local dealer is usually top notch. hes started stocking federal v-shock in .17hmr especially for me because they work best in my rifle. im loathe to try anywhere else because theyre all to far and i have a loyalty to him.


anyway im going to ring up my FEO today to sort all of this out.

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if i was you i would buy a few boxs of loaded ammo before you send back your ticket as you may be waiting a bit before you get it back ..mine states buy 200 store 300 and thats for a 25-06 my 22 rimmy is buy 500 store 1000 hmr17 is buy 200 store 300 ..i would ask for the same if i was you ,tell him its costing you too much money to go back for more and its cheeper if you buy more ,i now load my own ..

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There seems to be a bit of confusion with the advice given


Granted, Granny can wander into a gunshop and buy a 1000 FMJ or even have them posted without an FAC.


However expanding ammo is different. It all depends in which police area you live in. In my area (Devon & Cornwall) the gunshops HAVE to record on your FAC that you have purchased say 100 55g Vmax heads. This goes for many other police areas - gunshops in other police areas will sell the 100 heads simply on production of your FAC


Seems the OP is in a police area the same as mine. I personally do not have a problem with this as it gives the police a record of the ammunition I use. The guys who have nothing written on their FAC could have to prove to the police at renewal that they still have a need for that rifle.


With regard to your problem of 'Buy 60' I reckon your best bet is to write to your issuing office and explain you intend to reload and that the min quantity of heads you can buy is 100 so would they please amend your FAC to buy 100 and hold 150 - I would suggest you complete a variation which will cost you nothing and send this off with the letter.


As someone has suggested above, buy a few factory rounds to tide you over during the possible delay with the amendment



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Oh dear!

Your shopkeeper is a knob, as previously stated the 60 buy hold 100 appplies ONLY to loaded ammo, the reason it's 60 and 100 is because nearly all factory centrefire ammo comes in boxes of 20, and 60/100 divides nicely by 20.

In fact your granny can buy 1,000's of FMJ bullet heads in all the calibres and all the weights that his shop has without any authority at all, you can even have them posted to you. (Doh! Mr Homer Gunshop man)

Shop somewhere else if I were you, if he doesn't understand basic stuff like that what other 'howlers' has he up his sleeve?


Andy, I think if you read the thread and what is written on our certificates (ie; "2. Ammunition including expanding ammunition and expanding missiles") it is self explanatory. We are limited in relation to all ammunition for our rifles. Not just expanding ammo. Not everyone is as fortunate as you say you are. Different Firearms Dep'ts have different wording that they apply to licenses.


And the gundealer is not a "knob" or a "homer". He has just read the certificate and abided by its conditions. And yes I could order a 1000 or more FMJ's over the internet, but I would be breaking the terms and conditions of my FAC. I want to keep my license thanks, and If I were you, I should try not to advise people to break their terms and conditions on their FAC's :no: You could get someone in trouble :o



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