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Advice needed on type of dog

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Hi folks i have at the mo a beddy cross whippet to help me with the ferreting. For the job he's fine but he dont like hedges or stingies & the like, (dont blame him!) He's only 14mnths old & as yet has not been out lamping & to date has trouble catching rabbits (i think its just his un experieance) but he's plenty fast enough thou!! I'm thinking of getting another dog as part of the team but cant decide what type. I was thinking a terrer type but the ones ive seen all try to enter the holes & i dont want that! I'd like this new dog to work in the hedges pining or dragging the rabbit to me & work the undergrowth to flush anything out for the lurcher.

I was thinking maybe a spaniel but there again i dont use shot gun! Is it possible to prevent a terrer from going down the holes?

Any advise would be fantastic please guys


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  dangergirl said:
defo get a springer, ive got a springer and a terrier that work the bush well to my whippet.



Thanks guys for the feed back. I was thinking spaniel but as i dont use a shot gun i didnt want to ruin him.

Thanks once again


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  dangergirl said:
defo get a springer, ive got a springer and a terrier that work the bush well to my whippet.




ive kept bulls from being a kid(full pedigree bull terriers) and know how hard they are to train compared to a good spaniel or terrier but the bitch im keepin now... a pit cross is the best dog ever seen for flushing game. She flushes game for my mates hawk and other mates saluki... When the other dog or goss aint there shes taken odd morn ing rabbit herself... I know this isnt the norm but it shows that if you get lucky with any breed you end up with a good worker.......

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ive heard sprocker springerXcocker are good bushing dogs or beagleXspringer? could be talking nonesense though, dont have much experiance in spaniels or bushing dogs, but would like one my self for nxt season so it will be interesting to see where this thread goes!

p.s were in wales are you taff70 my mates just had a litter of springers, out of a nice small bitch, both parents bushing great, and can be seen. no paper but half the price? pm if your interested and il put you in touch

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  Taff70 said:
Hi folks i have at the mo a beddy cross whippet to help me with the ferreting. For the job he's fine but he dont like hedges or stingies & the like, (dont blame him!) He's only 14mnths old & as yet has not been out lamping & to date has trouble catching rabbits (i think its just his un experieance) but he's plenty fast enough thou!! I'm thinking of getting another dog as part of the team but cant decide what type. I was thinking a terrer type but the ones ive seen all try to enter the holes & i dont want that! I'd like this new dog to work in the hedges pining or dragging the rabbit to me & work the undergrowth to flush anything out for the lurcher.

I was thinking maybe a spaniel but there again i dont use shot gun! Is it possible to prevent a terrer from going down the holes?

Any advise would be fantastic please guys


get a springer/russell r beagle/russell u cant go wrong with these crosses once u keep them steady as u dont want them 2 be hunting 200 yards in front of u while d lurchers r next 2 u.but like i said if u keep them steady there real bush busters.

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