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for tikka t3

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just thought id let the lads know tikka t3 is still on here and hes been looking at my profile seing what he can grass me for next tme thats why i dont put nothing on here anymore watch what you put on here lads with grasses like that on here why he havnt been kicked off here i dont know

Edited by turk
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Alrite turk, so he's still at it? Are ya gettin anymore hassle from him?

I remember even the Mods were askin questions about him after ur last topic about him.. i think we have reason to believe that he's doin what u say he's doin he should be well gone by now..

Re-appeal ur request to have him banned with more valid points and see what happens.. There's lads been throwin off for less!



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Alrite turk, so he's still at it? Are ya gettin anymore hassle from him?

I remember even the Mods were askin questions about him after ur last topic about him.. i think we have reason to believe that he's doin what u say he's doin he should be well gone by now..

Re-appeal ur request to have him banned with more valid points and see what happens.. There's lads been throwin off for less!



couldnt have said it better myself.it looks like to me that grassers are being protected probably because they are giving coppers info. differnt on mouchers he got kicked off straight away.he was on here 1;20 earlier come on ian b f**k him off for f**k sake or do we have to have a vote to kick him off i know you are going to say there is probably loads of grassers on here there probably is but atleast we know this one he is still looking at my profile and looking to see what he can grass me for which wil be f**k all but it decides the point.

the c**t havent even defended himself on here because he knows he is grass,everyone in my town knows he is aswell.

like wexford pa said it has been people kicked off here less than that for f**k sake what going on it makes me sick. :angry:

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Alrite turk, so he's still at it? Are ya gettin anymore hassle from him?

I remember even the Mods were askin questions about him after ur last topic about him.. i think we have reason to believe that he's doin what u say he's doin he should be well gone by now..

Re-appeal ur request to have him banned with more valid points and see what happens.. There's lads been throwin off for less!



couldnt have said it better myself.it looks like to me that grassers are being protected probably because they are giving coppers info. differnt on mouchers he got kicked off straight away.he was on here 1;20 earlier come on ian b f**k him off for f**k sake or do we have to have a vote to kick him off i know you are going to say there is probably loads of grassers on here there probably is but atleast we know this one he is still looking at my profile and looking to see what he can grass me for which wil be f**k all but it decides the point.

the c**t havent even defended himself on here because he knows he is grass,everyone in my town knows he is aswell.

like wexford pa said it has been people kicked off here less than that for f**k sake what going on it makes me sick. :angry:

o ya we kick him off just because you say so would you like anything eles while your at it?????? where the proof he a grass, o point come on here say this and that without proof man ,


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I know where this is gonna go turk.. We (as in THL members) only have ur say so to go on but the fact that he's been on and not defended himself at all says it all for me..

Atb mate.


:clapper: yes pm me or any mod with proof that he grassed you up on stuff you had on the thl we can do something about it


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I know where this is gonna go turk.. We (as in THL members) only have ur say so to go on but the fact that he's been on and not defended himself at all says it all for me..

Atb mate.


:clapper: yes pm me or any mod with proof that he grassed you up on stuff you had on the thl we can do something about it



listen they told me to there face in a heated arguemetn that he grassed me up.when the police was by the side of them to protect him plus he has been telling everyfuker and they have been coming back telling me aswell.

everyone who knows me on this forum knows tha im no bullshitter so make your own mind up crack on but if you want to protect a grass carry on.

and he knows that i put this on here as i pm'd him and told him so and he still cant defend himself.dont that say enough dont take a genius to work that out does it. he has been on here twice today looking at my profile.

Edited by turk
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Thing is mate, if they booted him he'd only re register under a different username, then you'd not know what he's keeping an eye on.

fair enough but how can he because his ip ad will be the same and the mods would know that its the same person

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what exactly did he grass you up for?


have a look thru my previous posts and you wil see it there mate.


just read it bloody long read that

interesting too tho

sorry to hear about your dogs mate


all the best lee

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