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Sunday evening stalk .

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Went down to my good mate Martins yesterday evening for a stalk.We were to try a spot that he hasnt take a beast off yet so hopes were high .The ground is on a valley side and the parking is on the opposite side .As we pulled up ,we could see a deer crossing the top fields and sure enough it was a buck ,a mature buck too by the looks of him with a tall head but he was still a long way away .We walked down to where a stream denotes the starts of the permission and splitting up ,we climbed up the valley side to hopefully intercept the buck .We agreed that a fence between us would be the divide and no shooting over,across it .Martin chose the high ground whilst i was content to skirt around the boggy area below that leads to a natural dell .Martin was in view most of the time and we kept pretty much level .As i approached the dell ,i could make out the legs of a deer in amongst the hawthorn bushes but unable to i.d it .I steadied on the bipod and watched .It crossed an opening and i could see it was a young 4 point buck .As i waited for a clear shot ,a fox came out from the bushes and stood looking in my direction.No time for decisions and i shot him .The young buck never moved but still no shot .I could see Martin on the fence line and he motioned to me that there was something out to my left and out my veiw to which i gave him the o.k to shoot it .Martin was roughly 60 yds in front by now and a good 20 yards higher and the shot was at 90degres to me so no worries .The rifle shot was muffled by the body strike and we both got up from our positions after a few moments to collect our prizes.Martin had downed the buck we saw earlier,we think , ,a queer head of 8 points .We gralloched the deer and were about to move on when i saw a young buck still in velvet along the hedge about 280 yards away .Martin said i was to go for it so a half stoop saw me within crawling distance .Got to roughly the half way mark and decided to take it .I could see another buck in the grass ,lead down near the youngster but i was set on the cull beast .Shot it ,gralloched it and dragged it to Martin .Nice spell of trigger work and two happy stalkers :victory:


Heres the buck that was with the cull animal i shot .


Edited to say ,im sure Martin will put more up about that buck .

Edited by foxdropper
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Some of you may remember the photo that I put up a while ago of this Buck in full velvet,well we met again.............


Full velvet..........



And,all cleaned off.............






Here he is after cooking.............





And,here is another head that I mounted for Foxdropper,he shot it on another piece of land that I have a while ago,and,it is almost ready to be picked up,I made the shield out of an old bit of marine ply..............


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im a sucker for freaks, thats a cracker :) its similar to the big one i got a few seasons back and well done for not changing your mind on the cull buck.... alot would have just taken the better beast :clapper:

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Hi & well done i must join the club as im a freak roe head lover & dont get or see many on my ground. I got a very funny wide head sunday night & got a cracker in 1995 with a guest that scored 157cic it was more but got full points off for regularity/shape think it was 160+ cic but the official score was 157cic or there abouts.

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Well done, that freak head is a real cracker! :clapper:


This is what I love so much about Roe.





Mark,you have some amazing heads on your photo blog mate..........Martin.

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