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Good vets for Longdogs in Essex.

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You're not doing them a disservice. Any vet competant with small animals will do fine.


Greyhound tracks need to have a vet in attendance - these will be normal, usually small animal vets, usually from a local practice.

They will have a greater experience of musculoskeletal injuries from what are highly athletic animals, pushed up to their limit.

There's no witchcraft involved, just experience.


Use whatever vet you're happy with

My Vet is a greyhound VET ,he does not treat anything but running dogs . I give the other vets a very wide berth, for all but the very basic of problems. A woman vet at a local practice assured me that rabbits do not harbour tape worm, after I asked for some Drontal Plus ,telling her that my dogs are fulltime workers at pest control.



vets are only human and everyone is wrong sometimes. if you know they are wrong educate them but do it nicely a good vet will listen

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As the title says.


Need a contact for the future.





good vets at clarendon house for all animals why do you need a special vet for a long dog? shouldn't require veterinary treatment any diff to any dog surely?

No offence ,but you could not be more wrong.

If you have a problem with a running dog that is ANYTHING out of the humdrum ,ie jabs minor ailments,ALLWAYS go to a running dog vet,like a Greyhound trainer,most Vets are general Practitioners ,who see a wide spectrum of animals ,for eg cutting the budgies beak, neutering the cat,etc.They haveNO specialist knowledge of running dogs. For Unknown injuries ,be they muscular,tendon problems,bone queries, etc ALLways go to a Greyhound man.If you went to your GP and he told you, you had ,GOD FORBID , a Brain tumour ,who would you want operating ? Him .Or a Specialist who dealt with tumours on a daily basis?

I'll give you an example years ago a guy I know coursed a dog on some rather hard stubble , the very fast bitch knocked a toe on the hard ground ,thinking he was being clever ,he got a friend to take her to the local PDSA, the injury was not severe , he just wanted the dogs toe taped up ,when he collected her the toe had been amputated.



your GP would not offer to operate but nor would a good vet they would refer the case.

with regard to the dog taken to the PDSA he should have taken it himself or told them he only wanted it taped up, all surgical procedures have to have a consent form signed before they begin.

The only vets i would not use under any conditions would be the PDSA or RSPCA!!!!!!!!!!

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you av got to be carefull using some vets that are not familiar with running dog injuries ie knocked up or brocken toes some will tell you the only option for theise injuries is amputation obviosly to get more money out of you.atvb



say no

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You're not doing them a disservice. Any vet competant with small animals will do fine.


Greyhound tracks need to have a vet in attendance - these will be normal, usually small animal vets, usually from a local practice.

They will have a greater experience of musculoskeletal injuries from what are highly athletic animals, pushed up to their limit.

There's no witchcraft involved, just experience.


Use whatever vet you're happy with




i have discussed this subject at work and met the same conclusiomn

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You're not doing them a disservice. Any vet competant with small animals will do fine.


Greyhound tracks need to have a vet in attendance - these will be normal, usually small animal vets, usually from a local practice.

They will have a greater experience of musculoskeletal injuries from what are highly athletic animals, pushed up to their limit.

There's no witchcraft involved, just experience.


Use whatever vet you're happy with

My Vet is a greyhound VET ,he does not treat anything but running dogs . I give the other vets a very wide berth, for all but the very basic of problems. A woman vet at a local practice assured me that rabbits do not harbour tape worm, after I asked for some Drontal Plus ,telling her that my dogs are fulltime workers at pest control.



vets are only human and everyone is wrong sometimes. if you know they are wrong educate them but do it nicely a good vet will listen

Each to their own I would allways prefer to go to a specialist running dog Vet who encounters the particular problems that Greyhounds and Lurchers face.
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