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Teaching retrieving

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After earwigging a conversation the other day from two guys who both keep dogs for shooting :hunter: over. They were arguing over the various ways in which to teach a puppy to retrieve. They were also arguing over the best age for it too. it was all getting quite heated:black eye:. I know of both of em and they both have dogs that work well in the field.


I got thinking about how lurcher folks :ph34r: approach the subject....


Sooooo I would be interested, if no one else is, to get your thoughts on the subject.





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IMO the best way to teach retrieving is straight from the nest use a ball of paper take the pup into the hall or passage way between two houses block one end play with the pup & paper ball flick it away from the pup let the pup pick it up & call the pup to you repeat a couple of times & finish on a good note allways make a lot of fuss of the pup & make it a game then when all is going well make a small fury dummy & progress slowly untill the pup is big & old enough to try dead rabbits ect hope this helps :good:

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  Pennymeadow Whippets said:
IMO the best way to teach retrieving is straight from the nest use a ball of paper take the pup into the hall or passage way between two houses block one end play with the pup & paper ball flick it away from the pup let the pup pick it up & call the pup to you repeat a couple of times & finish on a good note allways make a lot of fuss of the pup & make it a game then when all is going well make a small fury dummy & progress slowly untill the pup is big & old enough to try dead rabbits ect hope this helps :good:



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  oneredtrim said:
Dog trapped in kitchen, family members launched...dog hank marvin...your in charge of nose bag (are you still with it????). Dog "Sit"...followed by "Here"...praise and piece of grub, repeat till grubs finito. Next day two completed commands of "here".. equals one piece of grub (twice the mileage). Lengthen and alter the angles of the "here" command over a seven day period = 1 recalling mutt (handy for folk who cannot recall thier dog to them in thier own abode). Next news instruct the dog to "Sit" , place a ball in its mouth, instruct it to hold and drop on command for a reward...then praise accordingly. Now the dogs got both ends of the retrieve command and your the grub master general, the most important section of fully cementing the command is the re-release of the ball, it's got to be done within the same second that the dog completes it's first retrieve (forget the praise for now, forget the grub) release the ball (re-throwx5) instantly and the psychology of the command just did a role reversal (at least thats what the dog thinks/it's just discovered a chucker). It's only important to do the instant re-chuck whilst training the dog, once the command is cemented the whole game can be used for motivation towards further blackmail.


Most of the quasi-hunters i know shoot, so naturally all thier dogs retrieve (terrier through to alsation) and this is how they go about training thier mutts..whether brought on from being a pup or an adult dog, granted some are better than others, some will napper or retrieve depending on the command, some are under-water specialists (retrieving golf balls from the bottom of the local "cut"/for a wager).



Faaaaarrrrr out man!


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