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Ferret question

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I am thinking of getting 2 of my 3 hobs vasectomised, will they still be fine together after or will they fight?

I am only wanting 2 done because just incase I choose to breed them next year which is a high possibility then I will have a whole hob and I will get a jill nearer the time.



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you'll end up with a favorite out of these three, be it size or ferreting ability, keep this one intact for your "breeding hob" get the other two castrated, these two can be kept together all year round, they can be left with jills all year round too, so no need for loads of cages,

sometimes a castrated male will still have the urge to mate, and this may take the jill out of season, but its not gurantee'd, but you'll still have one intact hob, he will need to be kept in a seperate cage over summer, as he will rag anything with a pulse, including a castrated male if you let him

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check with richie on the breeding of the hobs, wether they are brothers and if they have been housed together in the past, I have two snipped hobs that share a outside court throughout summer, yes they rag each other now and again, but no blood is ever spilt between them, they are happy as larry

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i would keep the intact hob on his own during the breeding season the other 2 would be fine together or with jills outside of breeding season they should be ok together have they been housed together up to now ? that would give you some idea if they were mate :thumbs:

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Yes they are housed together and are as good as gold, they play fight but nothing that needs breaking up and I think richie said they where brothers but I'll double check.


Oh and Steve I already have a favourite when I let them run free in the garden one stays near me and wants all the attention while the others just roam and destroy the garden.



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Id get a favorite that roams, although you wont know for sure untill you have ferreted with them, put another way, keep the best ferreting one as your intact hob, the one that wants attention, may not want to leave that nice dry carry box and go undergrown, if you see my drift

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Talk of the devil I left "my favourite one" to roam with the others and it went straight under the shed and was after the mice I think lol. So anyway I think all will be good workers but only one way to make sure.



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