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308, is it the same

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it may be a silly question but is a .308 the same as 7.62 nato. i got told it was and wasnt sure, i never realy thought about it, he also said 5.56 nato was the same as a 223. if this is true can you buy cheap army surplus rounds to use down range,

sorry if im being thick



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.308 @.223 is the civillian exivelant military vertions are slitly differant throat angle is not the same


...and the cartridge pressure varies in the military (nato) rounds and civilian rounds.....


if the gun has a .223 chamber or .308 or 7.62 or 5.56 then feed it that....the chamber does NOT say .308 OR 7.62 it says one or the other, the cartridge itself does not say .308 or 7.62, it says one or the other :hmm::hmm: now why would that be???? :thumbs:

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I did some digging on this one a while back.


IIRC, the 5.56 NATO is higher pressure than the 223 Rem, so you can use 223 Rem in a 5.56 but not necessarily the other way round.


BUT in 308, the 7.62 NATO is LOWER pressure than the 308 Win, so you can use 7.62 in the 308 without issue.


I would find my source for that, but I can't be arsed as I'm just about to go to bed!

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I did some digging on this one a while back.


IIRC, the 5.56 NATO is higher pressure than the 223 Rem, so you can use 223 Rem in a 5.56 but not necessarily the other way round.


BUT in 308, the 7.62 NATO is LOWER pressure than the 308 Win, so you can use 7.62 in the 308 without issue.


I would find my source for that, but I can't be arsed as I'm just about to go to bed!

RE .308 According to Wikipaedia "there are slight variations in dimensions but SAAMI does not list either round as dangerous to fire in a gun chambered for the other". That's the Small Arms and Ammunition Manufacturers Institute. SAAMI state that due to higher pressures military spec 5.56x45 should never be fired in a gun chambered for .223 rem.


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