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ferreting yesterday

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hello lads just got some permission yesterday off a farmer whos having a real problem with the rabbits, ended up with 18 in all. nothing compared to the amount of rabbits there but we were just mooching around since it was are first time.













And just a few pictures of the dog i didn't bring her yesterday as she is a bit funny with the ferrets





also lads, the ferret i lost him a few week back for about a week and he got found fortunately, he had a little bald patch on his tail which was growing back, but this morning i was giving him a stroke and i noticed his tail was aal inflamed and hes been biting it again. so lads any tips or a reason for why hes doing this would be appreciated.


staffy-1 :D :thumbs-up:

Edited by staffy-1
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we had a few which we did let go about 4 or so, unfortunatly we had to kill three which we dug to in a stop end, but other than that not that many really young ones about. farmer is letting us go lamping soon, very good fields aswell cant wait :D

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Guest Frank
we had a few which we did let go about 4 or so, unfortunatly we had to kill three which we dug to in a stop end, but other than that not that many really young ones about. farmer is letting us go lamping soon, very good fields aswell cant wait :D



Good luck with the lamping. :good: You should get a few.

As for the patch on your ferrets tail and being his biting it, it could be mange? is it getting red and sore looking?


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Guest Frank
yes it is mate, any tips on how to get rid of it? thanks a lot :clapper:


The vet might have something for it. As i have only had it in dogs in the past and not ferrets, i would not really know. I use to use Tixol over here for the dogs, when they got mange, it did the trick, but very strong, with not so good chemicals in it.


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