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Swaping a World Beater

Guest vim

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It's amazing to think that all this shite is surfacing again because of some sad people but there ya go ......... and if other's are joining in then I will do the same ......


This leaves numerous questions un answered such as was the dog entered wrongly was he too pushy??

Or did he correctly enter and test the dog was the dog weak in mind/body or both??

Was it bred from a yapper did the Sire have a weak side only something like this could be just waiting to surface in some of the rest out of the litter you never know??


As to Steve's method's of entering I cannot comment but my dog was entered my way and does not "yapp" but I belive your main fault with Baz Vim was that he yapps so did you f**k it up as well ? ....... As to Steve's dog being weak in mind or body :laugh: ............my dog has run his fair share of testing quarry and has'nt yapped but maybe I'm just lucky eh :D


Lamper ..........why would you ask the questions about Steve's dog when you knew the answers as you spoke to him about the dog a few weeks back :wacko: .............wonder where all this shit orignated from eh ?

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Quote.. I belive your main fault with Baz Vim was that he yapps so did you f**k it up as well ?


No Charlie i belive the guy that bred him fecked it up but as the wicked rumer would have it i contributed to it also :D

But if i can offer any advise to guys that are new " Never lose control" :D or your fecked..

Another bit of advise i can offer is always be man enough to stand by your word in person, its a sign of weakness when you cant,lol.

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Yes i did speak to steve,Dave and he did tell me about the problem with his dog. He also told me the dog had to go because of it. My point was only to suggest maybe because of this bad luck,Steve will now have to go through another Dog again to try and get what he realy wants. Who knows it could even take a few more attempts after that. Therefore that would then put him the catergory of someone whos had to go through 3 or more to get what he wants. Ironically, exactly what cooperman was on about in his first post.

Now i can train a pup and enter it as good as any man......but i still cant guarrantee im gonna get what i realy want, and i certainaly cant guarantee it a world beater. Any so called faults its up to me to weigh up the situation and then decide wether we can live with them? . Different people put up with different things,sometimes because other attributes the dog has are more important to them. If someone moves a dog on because it just aint gonna be good enough for them, it dont make um a bad Dogman.

Now im sure the expert whos pulling coopermans strings and telling him how to do things right,as in the past had to say goodbye to canine friends himself,because when it comes to the crunch they just didn,t have it!

Who knows he may be facing this very predicament again......sooner than he thought he would?



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Quote.. I belive your main fault with Baz Vim was that he yapps so did you f**k it up as well ?


No Charlie i belive the guy that bred him fecked it up but as the wicked rumer would have it i contributed to it also :D

But if i can offer any advise to guys that are new " Never lose control" :D or your fecked..

Another bit of advise i can offer is always be man enough to stand by your word in person, its a sign of weakness when you cant,lol.


If you want a chat then ring me up and i'll oblige ........never been one to shy away from things me or if you'd prefer I could drop in you know face to face and that..............

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Quote by Lamps,lol .. Now im sure the expert whos pulling coopermans strings


Are you realy saying in a kind sort of way that Dave`s a Muppett Lamps :11:

Surely not after the grand feat he`s accomplished over the last few years of breeding and running on one of his own stock all learnt from over the phone,lmfao..

A great acheivment by anyone`s standards in my opinion :11:

But one thing Dave can you tell me what he`s swapped for this time "your pal"??


Iam a dad for the first time

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:rofl::rofl::rofl::D:D:D ........


Lamps I really couldn't give a feck what steve does with the dog :laugh:

Look poor vim thinks your a VERY BAD man you got rid of dogs.........end of... :D


Vim TRY!!! :laugh: to move on with your life.......Its starting to look a little bunny boilerish :laugh::laugh:

If your so concerned what steve is doing why not ring him up :guitar::guitar:


I suppose there are some things in life that change your outlook forever.....Some will never see them.......EVER............

It's like going swimming in a pool it may be deep in places & look a bit big......BUT.........it doesn't really compare when you;ve swam in the OCEAN :laugh::laugh::bye::bye::bye::bye::laugh:

Edited by D.C.
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Quote.. never mind though it must be some of us are much better at getting what we want out of an 'exotic'.........


I couldnt agree more Dave nowt like getting what you want the first time round eh even out of an handicapped partner, saves time ;)

But there nowt like putting it all there yourself now is there :D



Useful looking dog that :good: , first cross? How old is the fella?

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I see you`ve removed your foolish post`s Dave. Cant blame you realy only they made you sound exactly the way you are. A Novice who like`s to pretend.

Nowt wrong with being a novice its the "pretender" bit folks dont like ;)


A "Big gun" pretender retriving a bullet,lol..



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