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R.I.P Sam

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Hi lads and lasses,

Thought I'd share this sad day with you as it happens to us all one day. Had a phone call this morning around 10.30am, it was my brother. He was balling his eyes out and I couldn't get a word out of him for what seemed like ages, then it came " I cant do it, please come to the vets". I knew straight away its was Sam's day. I said I'd be there asap. I got there 10 minutes later. My brother was standing outside the vets with old sam'o. When I got up too him he was still balling his eyes out. "I cant do it" he kept saying. So I took it on myself to go see the vet.

As it was Sam was a lakeland x Jack russel, he was now 14 yrs old. We thought he had cateracts, but the vet said he had a tumour on his brain and thats why he was unable to see things, he was perscribed steriods 2 mths ago but they neva made a difference.

So this was to be Sam's last few minutes with us, we took him for a walk and I played with him as I always did, he was none the wiser to what was to happen. When we got back to the vets they called us straight in. As Sam never liked the vets we had to carry the old man in. So my brother picked him up and into the side room we go. My brother still really upset and me holding back the tears trying to be strong.

Then the vet walked in, I asked my brother if he was ok holding Sam while they gave him the injection? he said no and burst into tears again, so it was up to me to hold him.

The vet inserted the injection, as I looked at my brother I couldnt hold it in any more, the tears ran like a river down my face. One minute Sam was panting and really lively the next GONE........A dead weight in my arms. I held him for 2 or 3 minutes gutted but in the back of my mind happy that his suffering was over and that it was the right thing to do. We both gave Sam one last kiss and said goodnight. Then I cleared the vets bed and lay Sam on there. That was it Sam was no more just a lifeless body on the bed.

I've been well gutted all day that this has had to happen but even though Sam was my fathers dog ,he was mine for Rabbiting. I had some great days out with Sam and some good bags of rabbits. He wasnt the best but he done everything I wanted him to. Bush and Mark and that was what he was best at....


Fair well old boy


R.I.P Sam :cry::cry::cry:

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its always a sad time when one of our hunting companions leave us :cry: .i had to do the same thing a few years back after my lurcher attacked my spaniel,devastating.

when a dogs quality of life is gone,its more cruel to keep them alive imo

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Hi lads and lasses,

Thought I'd share this sad day with you as it happens to us all one day. Had a phone call this morning around 10.30am, it was my brother. He was balling his eyes out and I couldn't get a word out of him for what seemed like ages, then it came " I cant do it, please come to the vets". I knew straight away its was Sam's day. I said I'd be there asap. I got there 10 minutes later. My brother was standing outside the vets with old sam'o. When I got up too him he was still balling his eyes out. "I cant do it" he kept saying. So I took it on myself to go see the vet.

As it was Sam was a lakeland x Jack russel, he was now 14 yrs old. We thought he had cateracts, but the vet said he had a tumour on his brain and thats why he was unable to see things, he was perscribed steriods 2 mths ago but they neva made a difference.

So this was to be Sam's last few minutes with us, we took him for a walk and I played with him as I always did, he was none the wiser to what was to happen. When we got back to the vets they called us straight in. As Sam never liked the vets we had to carry the old man in. So my brother picked him up and into the side room we go. My brother still really upset and me holding back the tears trying to be strong.

Then the vet walked in, I asked my brother if he was ok holding Sam while they gave him the injection? he said no and burst into tears again, so it was up to me to hold him.

The vet inserted the injection, as I looked at my brother I couldnt hold it in any more, the tears ran like a river down my face. One minute Sam was panting and really lively the next GONE........A dead weight in my arms. I held him for 2 or 3 minutes gutted but in the back of my mind happy that his suffering was over and that it was the right thing to do. We both gave Sam one last kiss and said goodnight. Then I cleared the vets bed and lay Sam on there. That was it Sam was no more just a lifeless body on the bed.

I've been well gutted all day that this has had to happen but even though Sam was my fathers dog ,he was mine for Rabbiting. I had some great days out with Sam and some good bags of rabbits. He wasnt the best but he done everything I wanted him to. Bush and Mark and that was what he was best at....


Fair well old boy


R.I.P Sam :cry::cry::cry:


I know where you're coming from Hob :( did the same thing a couple of years ago and reading your post brings back memories of the day........... :(:cray: Good luck to you and your bro :good:

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Hi lads and lasses,

Thought I'd share this sad day with you as it happens to us all one day. Had a phone call this morning around 10.30am, it was my brother. He was balling his eyes out and I couldn't get a word out of him for what seemed like ages, then it came " I cant do it, please come to the vets". I knew straight away its was Sam's day. I said I'd be there asap. I got there 10 minutes later. My brother was standing outside the vets with old sam'o. When I got up too him he was still balling his eyes out. "I cant do it" he kept saying. So I took it on myself to go see the vet.

As it was Sam was a lakeland x Jack russel, he was now 14 yrs old. We thought he had cateracts, but the vet said he had a tumour on his brain and thats why he was unable to see things, he was perscribed steriods 2 mths ago but they neva made a difference.

So this was to be Sam's last few minutes with us, we took him for a walk and I played with him as I always did, he was none the wiser to what was to happen. When we got back to the vets they called us straight in. As Sam never liked the vets we had to carry the old man in. So my brother picked him up and into the side room we go. My brother still really upset and me holding back the tears trying to be strong.

Then the vet walked in, I asked my brother if he was ok holding Sam while they gave him the injection? he said no and burst into tears again, so it was up to me to hold him.

The vet inserted the injection, as I looked at my brother I couldnt hold it in any more, the tears ran like a river down my face. One minute Sam was panting and really lively the next GONE........A dead weight in my arms. I held him for 2 or 3 minutes gutted but in the back of my mind happy that his suffering was over and that it was the right thing to do. We both gave Sam one last kiss and said goodnight. Then I cleared the vets bed and lay Sam on there. That was it Sam was no more just a lifeless body on the bed.

I've been well gutted all day that this has had to happen but even though Sam was my fathers dog ,he was mine for Rabbiting. I had some great days out with Sam and some good bags of rabbits. He wasnt the best but he done everything I wanted him to. Bush and Mark and that was what he was best at....


Fair well old boy


R.I.P Sam :cry::cry::cry:


I know where you're coming from Hob :( did the same thing a couple of years ago and reading your post brings back memories of the day........... :(:cray: Good luck to you and your bro :good:

sorry about your loss

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