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Peter Jones..Used to be or may still be


Please mail me.

I need to contact this guy, he will visit and understand why as well.

You might know me as Steve " Fieldsports ".

Sorry fellas to come on and try to track a member.

Just this guy seems to be a right con man.

He gets stuff on credit from me " Ferret locator and Collar "

And decides not to pay... Or even keep in contact with me.

I know he will have another username now. But come on lad.

Fair's fair. Pay or return.


Regards Steve

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He has used the name Gerard before.

I dont know ! I did business cards for him for his pest control and they were just Peter Jones.

He has been on other sites mate. he is a twat because he said he was skint so I said

I would of taken old postie bags for payment as the lads would of had them off me to carry rabbits but he just went missing.

I have his new IP since he moved to bulldog ISP, but to be decent he should of kept n touch.

He has even changed his MSN addy.



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