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deerhoundx greyhound

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ive got a 3/4 cross mate she 9mouth old and she not done nothing yet ive been rag her with rabbit skins and get her to bring back to hand and just started to get her jumping when i pickt her out of the litter ther was a wite dog with black eres and the women gos to al the shows with that i think it name merline

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i was under the impression all first cross deer x greys threw brindle


do what the fellas say, let it rag skins and wait atleast 6 months


having said that a mate of mines deerhound was wanting to have a crack at 4 months, but he was held back for quite a while as they need to mentally mature a bit, never mind the physical side of things


im with Kye, our stags are good dogs here too

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try teasing her with a rabbit skin &get her excited then throw the skin down an alley or passage way so the dog can,t get passed you when she retrieves it take off her &repeat no more than 3 times lots of praise thenput her away have patience thedog is still young make it fun

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well what we're gonna try and do is, catch a rabbit, and just like throw the rabbit and see wat she does and let her rag it about...


we let her have one run when were out with the bullx but sally just wants to play(shows her immaturaty), and the other dog is getting very annoyed with her and shes putt off her game....which is also really annoying!!


Should i just let her run with her or should i link the two dogs?? silly i know but we've done that with our herding dogs...would it work with the lurchers?



Toni Dave

Edited by Toni_Dave_17
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