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Getting into terriers

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Guest whitser
How would you go about getting in to terrier work? Only joined THL site this year, but reading up on these forums has got me interested. I'm not about to go asking for people to take me out, I know I'm not vouched for by anyone so it ain't gonna happen that way :guitar: . So how would you get into the sport as a first timer? I now me way round a spade, and lookin at getting a pat as my next dog.

you wont go wrong with a patt once its bred off working strains. try and get in touch with any local lads that keep working dogs, most genuine terrier ladswould be happy to help you get started. i would advise you to try and get as much permission as you can to hunt on. if you know any farmers that would be great if not go knocking on farmers doors. before you go knocking around join the countryside alliance then you'll and your terrier will be insured. i found when knocking on farmers doors that once you told them you wrer insured they were much more inclined to let you hunt away. most farmers are happy to have someone to keep the foxes and rats in line. and read as many books as you can on working terriers. good luck. remember we were all new comers to this game at one stage, and you never stop leraning.

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