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german short haired

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ive always liked the look of the german short-haired pointer...if thats the true name for them.


and i was just wondering what the price range was for a young dog?


and do you know if they are any good for field trials?


thanks for the help



Edited by Toni_Dave_17
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Seen them advertised recently for £450.00, as for the working ability, same as other breeds buy from working lines and preferably from working parents although that isn't a cast iron gaurantee.

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Shooting Times is an obvious place to look, but this is a good online resource for gundogs:




and ive found this to be a reasonable site for asking advice:




trialing prospects, depends on how good the bloodline is i guess. but as has been said earlier there are no guarentees with any dog all you can do is try to stack the odds in your favour.

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  barraboy said:
Shooting Times is an obvious place to look, but this is a good online resource for gundogs:




and ive found this to be a reasonable site for asking advice:




trialing prospects, depends on how good the bloodline is i guess. but as has been said earlier there are no guarentees with any dog all you can do is try to stack the odds in your favour.


thanks mate

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I bought my gsp from a top field trial kennels in 1995 for £350.I ordered him 6 months before the bitch was mated to make sure i got the breeding i wanted.Make sure you go to a working kennel rather than show kennel and you will be ok.

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  jessdale said:
I bought my gsp from a top field trial kennels in 1995 for £350.I ordered him 6 months before the bitch was mated to make sure i got the breeding i wanted.Make sure you go to a working kennel rather than show kennel and you will be ok.


yeah was thinking of doing that.


i live in wales do you know where the nearest workin kennels is?

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get in touch with the gsp club and they will put you in touch with local kennels.I had a 520 mile around trip to get mine :blink: but he was the breeding i wanted.Go and see the breeder and ask if the bitch is quiet whilst waiting a turn at a field trial.Some dogs whine so badly they have to be taken to the other side of the field because that can get you kicked out of a trial :blink: .

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Guest wildogman

german wire haird are harder working in all areas for brambles ect im getting my pup tomorow and im in austraila lol he's 1000 bucks so about 400 quid there good dogs man ivest in a wire haird they will kill just about anything .....





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The litter i have advertised on behalf of a friend are going for £400 for dogs £450 for bitches. They are both from exceptional working lines (starefoot) the sire is owned by the president for the english gsp club, he is also a ftch. Allthough i have never seen him work the pedigree and reputation of this dog speak for itself. Im having a bitch out of the litter myself as i have seen the mother work with goshawks and a golden eagle near enough every weekend this season and she is a exceptional bitch!

Cant wait till my pup arrives i think they are about 4 weeks old atm.


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  goshawking719 said:
The litter i have advertised on behalf of a friend are going for £400 for dogs £450 for bitches. They are both from exceptional working lines (starefoot) the sire is owned by the president for the english gsp club, he is also a ftch. Allthough i have never seen him work the pedigree and reputation of this dog speak for itself. Im having a bitch out of the litter myself as i have seen the mother work with goshawks and a golden eagle near enough every weekend this season and she is a exceptional bitch!

Cant wait till my pup arrives i think they are about 4 weeks old atm.



when i was going around watching field trials i think i remember a dog called "starefoot sobrig".Is it the same lines?

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