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Hello all.? Just an update as it has been a while.I have been looking for a subsonic .22LR hollow point that shoots well from a cold clean bore and have recently started using RWS subs which do well, typically from the first shot..I have used a few different brands of subsonic H.P.s and they all group quite well after 5 or so fouling shots, but RWS like the cold clean bore,needless to say I am a happy and for me, decent shooting.?.I have used the RWS before in the old Annie 1416 DG and it was equally consistent in that rifle. A couple of typical below all from a cold clean bore..My s
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Well I got 2 unused table clamps and a need for stability. Cant afford the new style tripods <on furlough pay>,so I thought make your own. So drill n tap m10x1.5 in the base of said bracket . Cut 2 pieces 7.5x3.5cm steel plate and fix to clamp .Drill hole and fit split pin to stop wind out in turnscrew. Then cut leather patches to fit and bond with contact adhesive, allowing 24 hours to cure and Bob's your job. Stable, free and hands free atb
Fred J Taylor's book on ferreting, shooting, poaching and lots of recipes. 1 at the end of each chapter free to a good gnome. Usual Stravros rules apply ,open to all till 5pm Monday then il pick a random winner and post it to the lucky 1 atb and good luck
Friday night thought i,d have a pre pheasant delivery fox mooch .Pardnv 007 on a Hawke Vantage 3-12x50 on top of a cz452 in,22.l/r but with CCI segs in for mr charles . Also my spanish pal wanted some bunnies for the b,b,q <his fault the weather,s gone pooh>so the segs do both ,set off about 10.30pm in squalid dirty patchy fog but i thought helps me to hide and the thermal spotter keeps mr charles in view .4 frustrating hours later old charley boy is a no show so back to the car i stomp. Suddenly a suicidal rabbit just pops up from his hole and stares at this big lump in the f
Got chance to test Gavs balls this afternoon! That sounds all wrong!! The balls Gav kindly cast and sent me I mean. I used an old sign that's lay in the grass for years. Take a look and I will explain. I was aiming for the P at 30yds. The two shots close to the P and the shot just above them two were the best load chain today. The high one was the aiming, I was seeing to much barrel and the following two responded perfectly to my adjusted hold. The other three were a different load and unsatisfactory. In saying that the sign easily represents a small deers c
I had an hour to spare so decided to take the 17HMR out, I don't get it out enough really, mainly just because I'm a tight old git! Anyway hole number one, ranged at 88 yards with rangefinder, scanning the ground with the scope, a bloody immigrant came into sight, to my absolute disgust it was actually copulating with a local, having no choice I promptly dispatched it, the participant promptly ran off or it would have got the same. Three more locals swiftly followed their demise, as I was waiting to see if any more wanted to play I realised I had my phone, so took pictures too. I the
Had a little mooch last night around the stables for an hour or so. No soon as load the CZ I see my first target for the night, only been there 5 minutes. It caught sight of me and bounced off, I thought it would be well gone, but oh no. Popped my head around the side of the stable and there it was, sat perfectly up right no more than 20 yards away. I got my self positioned to shoot through the fence and then let the trigger finger go. Next thing thud, nice little head shot??
Thought I’d have an hour or so up the stables tonight, glad I did. Just creeping towards the stable and spotted my first of the night on the path. As I crept up he started heading towards the paddock, I crept under the fence and there he was sitting nicely minding his own business munching and then........... bang one down. Just as I scanned the field there was number two, a good 75 yards and again...... bang, down goes number 2. Two in 10 minutes of arriving. Thought I’d look Over the fence through the trees and number 3 pops it’s head up, 60-70 yards and with a sque
As it was nice took the .22 out, using cci mini mags got these four around the 60yds mark, all headshots within 15 minutes. As I took the first photo and was about ready to pack up, one of their friends popped it's head out wanting to play, around the 40yds mark, I was happy to oblige. The difference in damage at 20yds difference is explosive.
Well now ,took my self and my new tool to the farm and unloaded in a likely spot .Before even unpacking saw a white butt in the distance ,quick load and rest on the gate 1 down first 5 minutes wow impressed myself .Set up and worked out how to get in of course the rifle is longer than the hide but a bit of draped camnet sorted this, minor issue .Quick scan and a buck was about 70yds away having a play time for number 2 .By dark oclock 4 shot but only 2 worth bringing back clean of mixxy .This location has 3 warrens and seems like 2 are clear ,happy with the hide yes ,could do with with a shor
Out last night for a mooch around and not a thing to be seen? Got the shock of my life though, walking toward the stables then hey presto the 4 horses came right at me. Looking at me very curiously as they walked past stood in the top paddock, field that I wanted to be in. With a little gentle persuasion, lots of squeaking of the lip and holding my hand out as to say I mean no harm, got them into the bottom field and closed the gate till I was done. They must have thought who’s this nutter ? After all my efforts not a bloody thing!! Probably all the lip squeaking lol.
Drop the boss off ,head to the farm and park at the owners mum,s and as im setting up i can hear rimfire? .Totally against all rules of the owner n never happened before ,so a quick scan with thermal but no sign off who ever is shooting so plan B ,off with the mod and crack a loud one off . Magically the flurry of shots stops so assume they/theyve done one back to their likle house on wheels .Starts a proper mooch and see,s a weird critter ambling and havent got clue 1 what it is ..Torch on its a mr tiggywinkles doing worms over for his tea well pleased not seen 1 for years.Back to the r
Dropped the boss at work and headed for my perm as the rain had stopped,what a mistaka da maka .2 sections of road under water and the kia swam through safely .Got there ,loaded up and set the thermal searching but you could see my usual warrens basically under water.So plan b off to the high seat see if the howling vixen across the next valley would bring a friend as my .22 was wanting to scratch an itch. After an hour of more bleddy rain i get the stuff this im going home idea as the foxes were sensible and went to mcdonalds or somesuch.So off i trott along the fence of death valley &l
So yesterday morning went for a mooch ,first time in weeks but thanks to fencing contractors n chainsaws not a bunny to be seen ,decided to check zero as the cz hadnt been out since initial days.Well fitting the T67 ad moved her to the right <???> so on the fourth shot zing sonic crack,checked the mag all winnie subs but by shot ten 3 had gone supersonic.Never had this before a startling animal scaring crack x 3 from the same box of subs . Anyone else experienced this wtf moment or is it just my 25 broken mirrrors kind iof luck
First CZ 452 ,22"barrel .22l/r P/H mod ,Redfield Accuranger 3-9x42 scope ,taking her for a zero tomorrow .Selection of rounds to try ,CCI Segs ,Win subs,Fiocchi subs ,Eleys too .Just get a few bunnys for the pot and some crows before lambing time .Cant wait for this rain n fog to do one
thought I would have a wander with the .22lr this evening as haven't used this rifle for a few weeks. there was virtually no wind when I got there and I saw a squirrel near one of the feeders. my range finder said 104 yards. I don't usually take shots at this distance but with conditions being ideal I gave it a touch over two dots of holdover and down it went. Moving further on I laid up waiting for rabbits to venture out when the second squirrel appeared at 20 yards and I made the straight forward shot. finally a rabbit came out at 75 yards and that finished the evening off
Hi Lads, I was out lamping on my own last night,after fox,With the .223 and the hand held 170. As per my norm, I got into a few difficulties lamping and shooting.on my own. I am thinking of getting a scope mounted 170.But I cant see a variable option are they available????? I will be mounting it on a centrefire and a rimfire. Any advice welcome. I was wondering what the boys who lamp single handed use?? Thanks in advance Wam
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- Fox Shooting
- Rabbit Shooting
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Long long day. Up at 5:30, granddaughter! Walk dog. Take Granny and grandchild to Llandudno! Get home and phone rings! Local gamekeeper seen a fox going into a wood. I arrive 1/2 hour later and start calling. An hour later a dog fox walks past. Jess alerted me by being fixed on something behind me! Grabbed the camera and got back to the car just dodging a storm! Knackered zzzz U.
ok guys got a 20 inch cz 452 rimfire and fancy having it cut down to 16 inch and the end screwcut for a moderator so can any recomend some one to do the work up in the northeast of england and any idea of how much its likely to cost
I've Just purchased a new Browning T-Bolt in .22 stainless. I already own a CZ 452 in .22. Can anyone tell me if I can expect to get the same accuracy out of the Browning as I already do from the CZ ? I purchased the CZ new in 1992 and its still in original condition (no mods). I'm shooting about an inch group at 60 yards (with no wind) with the CZ Have I made the right choice with the new purchase ?
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- RImfire
- Rabbit Shooting
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i thought i would put this video in the rimfire section as well as the night vision section as it crosses both categories. we were out for nights shooting rabbits with our .22lr's mine a CZ 452 with Boyd's stock and micks a ruger 77/22 we ended up with 160 rabbits by the end of the night. The mist kept coming and going so it made for difficult filming with night vision so apologies in advance for the odd fuzzy shot. all the rabbits were head shot as they were going to the game dealers in the morning as soon as we had finnished. Enjoy Cheers Daz
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Views on the .204 Ruger for rabbiting
celticrusader posted a topic in Rimfire, Centrefire & Shotguns
I was actually thinking the same thing, is there another alternative to the .17hmr which offers great accuracy over longer range, less effected by the wind and does no more damage to the meat?. As i have no experience with the 22 or 17 hornets and neither the 17 remington or fireballs i can understand that there may be varied factors to take into account and reloading being one in favour, so if someone like myself or another person thinking of changing calibre would the types calibre's i've stated be viable options, i know that you always end up sacrificing in one way or another. almost f- 26 replies
- Rabbit Shooting
- Vermin Shooting
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Finally got to grips with my CZ 452. I cant get over how accurate the .17 HMR round is. Love it, so glad i went through the hassle of getting a FAC. Sorry about the poor photos
Going for fac very soon and looking to purchase a .22lr. Not going to spend mega bucks as it is my first, looking maybe cz, have shot 452 American. What other options are there, with short, "hunter" style barrels, 5-8 mags? Thanks
Went out last night in the heavy rain with my mate Peter. Had a total of 23 rabbits. Not bad considering we thought it was going to be a waste of time.