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Jen smith

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Everything posted by Jen smith

  1. Hi.iv a patterdale x 2 years old from rescue .he needs to be worked as that's all he wants to do.Hes a lovely boy but 3hrs walk a day is not enough for him.can anyone help please
  2. Thanks everyone for your advice..he's 2 years,has been done already,.i buy bones and he digs my garden up to burry them..I can't walk him anymore then 3hrs a day as I work.the vet said herbal calming tablets,1 month on and no good.waste of money.iv bought every toy there is.and 2 dog trainers at £170 and £250 ..think he needs to go to a person who can work him or to a farm..very sad
  3. Hi everyone.my names jen and iv a patterdale x terrier from rescue..can anyone help with advice.iv had him 4 months and love him to bits...I work from home.hes with me in the house with me next to me at all times i,take him out 3 times each for 1 hr.i can't let him off his 10 Mtr lead as he just runs and doesn't return..he's been chewing everything.and now can jump my 5 ft fences..so he goes missing at least 2-3 times a day..he has my number on a tag.iv tryed a metal lead in my big garden but he just winges and barks...thanks guys
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