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Everything posted by hairyface

  1. so, are you a local lad fellman, as for the ice cream, i prefer mr whippy was born and bred in the lakes mate and nothing worng with mr whippy either ....... still have nearly all my family up there maryport ,workington,cockermouth,aspatria. im up there this weekend as it happens visiting my mum and my permission be good yis fellman lets hope it stops fine for you mate, coz its been shitty the last few days
  2. hairyface


    the local pastor was called REVEREND JOHN FLAPPS, and he was in his local pub sitting with his usual half a bitter, sitting on the next table was a youg lass and she was steaming drunk, when she decided to go she got up and started to put on her coat, but being drunk she was struggling, so the reverend decided to help her but when he got up to her she fell over with the reverend landing on top of her, the barman shouts HEY YOU CANT DO THAT IN HERE and the reverend said BUT YOU DONT UNDERSTAND IM PASTOR FLAPPS and the barman says O WELL IN THAT CASE YOU MIGHT AS WELL CARRY ON
  3. so, are you a local lad fellman, as for the ice cream, i prefer mr whippy
  4. get yerself to allonby for an ice cream mate, if its warm go to silloth and join the end of the ice cream queue ...hairyface
  5. hairyface


    pmsl, watched that 3 times,
  6. can anybody explain why??? everytime i click onto the HARDCOREHUNTING.CO.UK site and click onto FORUM it keeps putting this site on the screen, and its confusing the fcuk out of me!!!!!!!!!
  7. nice shooting mate, agree with hbg, my ticker was thumping reading that, well done
  8. ive got aquestion for all you mechanically minded lads n lasses, i have a toyota hilux and its developed a squeak underneath, 1st thought was wheel bearings but they are fine, as is the breakes, you can hear the noise in every gear and its got louder last couple of days, but when you dip the clutch and freewheel the noise disappears...... im not that mechanically minded meself...any idea anybody....cheers hairyface
  9. I would definitely get a moderator fitted if I was you ,they are excellent reducing noise considerably along with recoil and also improves accuracy. I would never go back to a rifle without one fitted , money well spent thank for the info foxhunter, the guy in the shop has been telling me to get it threaded and fit a sound mod but i figured he just wants the cash(£235) but i will defo look into it thanks again mate
  10. nice to see the youngsters keen to jump, it makes life alot easier later on,is it just my 2 lurchers or can some of you lads relate to this, some times they,ll jump a big fence and clear it with about a foot to spare, then the next minute jump a fence alot smaller and rip there bloody chests open, my bitch done exactly that this morning. and they never seem to learn
  11. nice vixen mate,hope she hasnt got a litter somewhere. the question im wanting to ask is, what sort noise do you get with the sound mod fitted, ive got a tikka.223 and been thinking of getting a sound moderator fitted, ive been told it,ll silence about 60% of the noise,do you find that, thats true
  12. is there anybody in cumbria who feeds raw feed to the dogs, apart from the game they catch, wheres the the best places to obtain it? would you be able to do a deal with the local butchers as i,d imagine they wouldnt be able to utilise every single piece of the cow/pig/sheep and at some point they would have to pay to get rid....would be interseted in some feedback...yis hairyface
  13. you will soon know if you feed em to much.........you will have to get a bigger shovel i know what your saying mate
  14. thanks for the replys guys, ive had good feedback about redmills so i thought id try it as im struggling to get what i normally get, another bonus redmills is cheaper...cheers guys
  15. thats what i was thinking mate,they,d be skin and bone if you followed thm giudelines.. cheers cupid
  16. i feed them 4 cups(your average household mug) every day,1cup in morn and 3cups at evening,and they do alright sometimes the bitch looks lean so ill give her abit more, but today ive just changed over toREDMILLS GREYHOUND RACER and the guidlines state you should give them 16grams of feed for every 1kg of bodyweight, so when ive worked it out(16grms x 21.5kgs =344grms) it turns out ive been feeding nearly TWICE that amount, and to be honest the dogs are doing well,im definatly not overfeeding them, so do i continue feeding the same amount or is redmills that good you only need to feed half as m
  17. the scoobys and evo,s are good to watch, but for my money you cant beat the sound of a BDA powered mk 2 escort in a forest on full song...FCUKING AWESOME!!!!
  18. looks like a nasty little shit, what sort of size are they, do they give a terrier a hard time or are they easily mastered
  19. hairyface

    nice lass

    think ive been with that lasses ugly sister , not a bad shag and even better ratter
  20. well done H B G ,was out mesel last night, just for an hr seen 4 but everyone was away as soon as i lit them up, as for that fcuking cold wind, fcuk me it was biting right thru ya,
  21. looked like a good nite. wat gun is that? thats a theoben rapid 7, very good gun had one myself, swapped it for a maestro van at finish
  22. very good mate , i must be a gulable c##t, i fully expected to a young picture of meself:D
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