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Everything posted by hairyface

  1. hairyface


    you didnt do anything wrong in my eyes MISTY, youve got to fight for whats yours in this life, well done you
  2. not bad for 7 yr old is he ,he,s a bit over weight with the weather being so warm still an awesome dog never the less,a dog like that is bound to put size and strength in to the offspring,is he at stud to any bitch or just to a selected few,would love to put that beast over my bitch in 18-24months time, providing she proves her self worthy of breeding from,
  3. hells bells, that arthur is a big fine lump of a dog, he's the swarzeneggar of lurchers, all the best with the outcome mate, he certainly looks bigger than he did in the "at stud" pages in edrd, awesome fecking dog
  4. thanks for answering my question everybody,
  5. hairyface


    get the ungratefull bugger to make their own, that sounded a good feed to me
  6. cracking pair of terriers mate, good pics
  7. JUST SEEN THIS THREAD ON THE smoochers SITE AND I CANT SEE ANYTHING WRONG WITH THE PICS, BOTH NICE DOGS,AND THEY ARE OBVIOUSLY WORKING, SO IS THAT NOT A GOOD ADVERTISEMENT AS APPOSED TO PARENTS THAT DONT WORK. Ps, Shamo dont you not scratch your legs when you go hunting in shorts and flipflops, i prefer sturdy boots and combats personally,but i suppose it looks like it was a hot day all the best with the pups, and tell your missus shes got nice pins
  8. dont want to sound daft but i know nowt about hounds, so if you dont ask you dont get to know, so my question is ..what is a harrier ,what i mean is, how is it different to a foxhound, cheers hairyface
  9. got agree mate he was in a 25 acre field and managed to hit the only telegragh pole, he certainly makes me laugh
  10. nice looking young bitch there mate,nice strong head, hope she gets a good working home
  11. hairyface

    FAO mattygg

    yeah, bull/whippet/grey seems a fair assumption, what ever she is she's a stunning larl bitch
  12. hairyface

    FAO mattygg

    going by the head id say a bull cross
  13. dont think manfredo will be a pushover, should make a good fight
  14. thats a very smart set up youve got there chalkwarren, must be great to have that much room ...cheers hairyface
  15. them digital tacho cards are only needed for trucks --06--- or newer them digital tacho cards are only needed for trucks --06--- or newer
  16. its 21 for what was once called class 2(any number of axles as long as its not articulated) and class1(articulated) if you get your class1 you can drive everything, as far as im still aware you qualify to drive a 7.5tonner when you pass your car test, if thats change in recent years it will only be a theory test that has to be taken with revelent 7.5 tonner related questions, but there deffo isnt a driveing test for 7.5tonners, if in doubt mate give the d.v.l.a. a ring...cheers hairyface
  17. i know this is slightly different circumstances but last xmas when i went to check my fox trap i found a very pissed off swaledale sheep inside knocking hell out it, what the hell had ticed it in i dont know
  18. used to work for an agricultural contractor and in the summer months we worked 14/15/16 hrs a day 7 days a week(112hrs a week), after a while i got my class 1 hgv liecense and was doing13hrs a day mon-fri(5am-6pm) and 9hrs on a sat(5am-2pm)(74hrs/week) but it was grinding me down and pissing my lass off so now im self employed and im a coalman mon,tues,wed(9am-1pm,9am-3pm,9am-2pm)and hgv driver thu,fri(12hrs). im making the same dosh for 39hrs as i was doing the 74hrs and im smiling
  19. ive just read the whole thread again and was pissing my self about the companion set incident with the samr amount of enthusiasm i wouldve loved to have been a fly on the wall every saturday in that house, very entertaining read mate
  20. if this bitch was black,i bet nobody would be complaining it was too bullyfied or too strong in the head.personaly i think a bitch with a strong head and jawpower would be better than a snipey nosed bitch that lacked that extra strength
  21. nice looking bitch mate, she looks an evil bxxxxxd,theres no difference in paying 250 for a adult than there is in paying 250 for an 8week old pup that hasnt ratted nevermind done fox, i know you cant go by looks but, i think, by the look of her she would have the right attitude for fox, but thats just my opinion
  22. always wondered what a 3/4whippet 1/4lakeland terrier would be like,i'd imagine it would be a game little beast
  23. jet, blaze, sammi jo,
  24. thems 2 nice looking dog them lads they are a credit to yous
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