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Everything posted by hairyface

  1. you could always go and see the farmer without yer dog and have a crack with him,he might be in a different mood, you never know you might come away with some new permission, its always better to have the farmer on side,ive got 4500acre of permission and i can come and go as i please, without any trouble, but having said that they can be the most fickle, cantankerous b*****ds ever to walk the fields, as there is a couple round here that wont give me time of day, due to hassle they had yers ago, with other dog lads so dont let the f****r walk all over yer, but its for the best if you can meet h
  2. so are you saying after all you hardmen hijacked the thread and started waving yer cocks at each other, the lad has felt compelled to pts the remaining pups,if that right its a f*****g shame as they were belters and looked like they had wanted for nowt,and well worth the price, they were a credit to whoever fed them
  3. canny looking pups fella, all nice and strong, bitches seem as strong as the dogs, there a credit to you mate
  4. it aint me thats selling the pup, i just happen to be the coalman to the lad thats selling the pup and took these pics today on my deliveries, if you got to the top of this thread that was started by billyb there is a number to ring, if your interested ring that number
  5. so can it be redtified mate, as folks wont realise ive added pics if it dont go to 1st page, they'll see it hasnt moved andnot realise theres pics now,cheers
  6. it aint anything to do with bumping mate as some of the threads above the one i added pics to are from yesterday,and when i addde pics it stayed on page 2 and didnt move to the top of page1
  7. ive just added some pics to a thread regarding a pup for sale, but the thread still remains on page 2 instead of rising to the top of the 1st page, so whats wrong
  8. just to add, the sire 1/2 cross bull greyhound is 26inch ats and the dam greyhound is 27/28inch ats, cheers
  9. i took a few pics of the pup thats for sale, might not be the best pics as they are of my phone as you can see on the front feet pic, he has plenty of knuckle left, he's gonna be a big strong dog, he looks smaller on the pic than what he is, cheers HF.
  10. ive seen this pup, as i deliver coal to the lad on a weekly basis, all i can say is its a belter,sharp, alert, friendly, and full of its self, its black and white and very smart, im guessing it'll easily make 26inch ats,gonna be a big fine dog,dam = greyhound, sire = 1/2 cross(remus), HBG advertised these pups in the summer this is the one the lad was gonna keep, well worth 125 notes imo
  11. yep i need specs, as the 1st thing i thought was ..bare arse, imagine what it would look like if the lass had hairy armpits,lol
  12. so how do we get mrs doubtfire into 10 downing street asap, i,d vote for that man
  13. still a good idea to take the lads name of the thread mate
  14. Flint everybody knows its harder to ctach a day time hare but f*****g hell it isnt "easy" catching them in the night on the lamp, so stop trying to make the lad look a c**t and pipe down. i agree with swift on this as regards to the fact that all daywalkers assume the hare cant run as soon as it gets dark, around here all the hares know every inch of every field, so once it gets thru the hedge its free and gone simply because the lads lamping them cant get to the hedge with his lamp to light up the next field, whereas in the daytime the dog follows the hare thru the fence/hedge and the co
  15. i nearly said is it a remus/tess dog over remus's sister, a lad down our way has a big 27inch choc/white dog out of the same litter,its a fare lump of a dog,bit big for me but nice dog all the same, but i do like your bitch, topper mate
  16. thats a nice looking lurcher mate, looks very racey in 1st and 2nd pics, in the 3rd pic it looks awesome mate, nice stamp, bet she's well capable of doing her job, what height and whats she bred out of, cheers
  17. im assuming that when stabba said this site aint the place to show THESE dogs i dont think he was refering to wheaten crosses, i think he ment the wheaten crosses he knows of, do you get me?
  18. whats the inside like mate, is there back seats in or just open with a mesh behind the front seats, i always thought fortraks were thirsty fuckers,
  19. another pic of sire when he was clipped out for summer, theres 2 dog pups 3 bitch pups, that pup pic is at 7 weeks old so obviously they are bigger
  20. first and fore most, these pups are not mine and have nothing to do with me, a mate of mine has asked me if im still on these sites and wondered if i would put these up for him, if admin or the mods object to this, just delete as and when this is all the info i have... sire 1/2 bull 1/2 wheaten, 18/19 inch dam full wheaten,20 inch 11 weeks £250 cumbria pm me for my mates number( he owns the sire and will give all the info you need) cheers HF if the thread gets messy and i take any shit i will delete this my self a pup the sire
  21. mate i fully belive you i was out lamping not to far from twesbury about 3 mounths ago and at the bottom of the field there was summut sat near the heage, we walked on down the field with the 2 bull xs we had put the lamp back on it then it started ta move on up the heage tawards us i looked at my mate and sed what the feck is that so we stayed and watched buy now my dog started ta go mad and spooked it it slowley started ta run to the other side of the field it came to the heage row which was about 5foot high and cleared it with ease it dint even look like it tried, as it was going across th
  22. nice healthy looking litter fella, credit to the lad thats been feeding them,cheers
  23. depends on the dog mate, ive had a pup at 7 months and it was stockbroke it a couple of minutes, but a different dog was a lot harder to break at a lot younger age,
  24. they are defo lighter than yer normal batts but i would say that the only advantage, i paid 140note for mine, and after a while it did lose abit of brightness, and waned off nearer then end then it did go completely off, i got about 5hrs with a 100watted blitz variable, was dissapointed with the fact it didnt stop full brightness all the way thru like it has been stated,
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