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Everything posted by hairyface

  1. yeah, i agree, it doesnt bother me what the next man does, i certainly dont look down on the lads thats just specifically out for rabbits, but i agree there is a certain percentage of lads that do look down on the rabbiteer
  2. I didn't put down your pup, it's a good looking pup but I did question the way it might have been bred. People on here believe very highly in working the dogs for at least a few seasons before breeding them. samba had bred a bitch that was too young to see one season. How old were the dogs this pup was bred from? the sire to this pup will be 7 or 8 at a guess and it will have seen a lot of graft,more graft than most,it will definately have earned its keep, cant comment on the dam as i know nowt about it Is the sire your dog? no mate, nowt to do with me, but i know the lad that h
  3. the wheaten greyhound is a cross ive always fancied, ive got no experience of them at all, but would like one sometime in the future, but the question is, is there any decent ones about still, like proper grafters, or are there lads just banging any wheaten over any greys like what folk do with the bulls, a lad i know had one a couple of years ago, 1/2cross 22inch, but it was a youngster and i thought it was still puppyish but he said it was shite, i personally thought a bit of time wouldve made alot of difference to that perticular dog, if you were wanting an wheaten cross specifically for fo
  4. I didn't put down your pup, it's a good looking pup but I did question the way it might have been bred. People on here believe very highly in working the dogs for at least a few seasons before breeding them. samba had bred a bitch that was too young to see one season. How old were the dogs this pup was bred from? the sire to this pup will be 7 or 8 at a guess and it will have seen a lot of graft,more graft than most,it will definately have earned its keep, cant comment on the dam as i know nowt about it
  5. is that a pup bred out of the young bitch????surprised you are even trying to put pics up afte the stuff that was wrote on here last week.....or did they guy have wrong end of the stick ahaha I doubt he has not seen it. How very embarassing for him. Aye it will be a chunk, a chunk of pure shite. FTB that pup has nowt to do with the young bitch, if brought on properly this chunk pup should make a decent dog, as there is some good blood running thru it,
  6. nice looking dog, when i saw pic i wondered if it was of samba, all the best with it,
  7. was the bitch not the dam to some 1/2bull 1/4deerhound 1/4greyhound pups last yr, sire looks a nice sort
  8. never have up to press, but if i ever gan to amsterdam, im heading for a big titted, fat, black tart with a big wobbly arse,aged 50+ and im gonna attempt to smash her back door in, or at least get my moneys worth,
  9. hope the pup gets a goog home, be decent young dog for someone, interesting colour pal, atb.
  10. do the dog a massive favour and take it on untill you can find a good home,dont just give it to just any c**t on here
  11. That looks pretty effective... anyone used it ?1 iv used it its brilliant for removing the whole tick much better than pissing about with tweezers did you get it online or will wcf sell it, cheers no i bought it from my local vets cost me £4.50. i dont know if wcf sells them. cheers marra
  12. That looks pretty effective... anyone used it ?1 iv used it its brilliant for removing the whole tick much better than pissing about with tweezers did you get it online or will wcf sell it, cheers
  13. now thats a fine healthy litter of pups, well done to whoever has got them this far, imo thats what pups are supposed to look like, not like some of the pups you see on here, half starved waifs in a dirty wet pen with a bellyfull of worms, well done to you DFK
  14. a good accountant is worth his weight in gold, my accountant told me i had £3472.89 to pay at the end of jan2011, i thought f**k that im getting stung every year this c**t isnt pulling his weight, so i changed accountants and he got it sorted and i ended up getting a rebate of £1985.55,so at the end of jan i was £5458.44 better off, whoop whoop
  15. should make handy pups them fella, 1/4bull, 1/4whippet, 1/2greyhound, atb with them pal.
  16. just re read my last post, i ment to say i WOULDNT put wvo in my motor, i had a mate with a peugeot 405 that ran it on new veg oil, in to tescos and buy 50 one litre bottles of it his back seat was always full,lol.he ran that 50/50, but that was 3yrs ago when it was 37p a litre
  17. And a litre of diesel is what....£1.42 - £1.48 at the moment....am i missing something if you make biodiesel out of wvo(waste veg oil)you can run yer van on 100% bio, i do in my fourtrak and did all winter even at minus12, i can make it for as little as .15p a litre, i aslo run my peugeot expert on it aswell, although its not recommended due to the fact its fuel pump is a lucas as apposed to a bosch, the pug has a litre tank so instead of filling up at the pump at£143.9p, and costing £115.12 a tank full, i spend 80litres x .15p/litre = £12 so as you can see i save £103.12 every tankfull
  18. And a litre of diesel is what....£1.42 - £1.48 at the moment....am i missing something if you make biodiesel out of wvo(waste veg oil)you can run yer van on 100% bio, i do in my fourtrak and did all winter even at minus12, i can make it for as little as .15p a litre, i aslo run my peugeot expert on it aswell, although its not recommended due to the fact its fuel pump is a lucas as apposed to a bosch, the pug has a litre tank so instead of filling up at the pump at£143.9p, and costing £115.12 a tank full, i spend 80litres x .15p/litre = £12 so as you can see i save £103.12 every ta
  19. Ya, he died too. Ya, I liked John. sorry for yer loss dan,he wasnt that old either was he?, was it work related?
  20. whats happened to john dan, i heard you'd lost stitch but have you lost john aswell, i always liked the look of that john dog, cheers HF.
  21. my take on it is this, a bitch regardless of how she's bred or how good a confornation she's got or how nice she is, has to prove she's worthy of breeding, and by that i mean graft and plenty of it, at least 4 full seasons under her belt. too many folk putting untested dogs or unachieving dogs over untested or under achieving bitches just to make a fast buck. you want nowt breeding off a 11month old bitch in my opinion
  22. what does old handcock charge for a pup these days and what does he do with the older pups, surely there must be occasions where he cant sell every pup out of every litter, or when they hit a certain age does he reduce the price or have a "2 for 1 offer" to reduce his stock, or does he discreetly cull the older ones in order to fill that space with some more newborns, i went down in 1998 with a mate who got a 1/4collie3/4grey and the place was rotten, we declined a cup of tea as even the cups were filthy, the pup made a big fine 27inch dog to look at but had no wind,and was a nervous wreck, t
  23. hello pal do you know what date flimby show is on iv asked about but no one seems to know. may 29th mate dixiebomb - up to 12months for lurcher pups.
  24. in theory it would be 1/4collie, 3/16bull, 9/16grey, on paper at least, but in reality could throw towards the collie, the bull or the greyhound (asuming you mean a 2nd gen 1st cross collie/grey)
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