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About Bogwarrior

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  • Birthday 12/05/1991

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    Every aspect of fieldsports wether ive tried or not, i will agree and support fully.
    we all deserve a chance especially with how many try to put us fown

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  1. Cheers for the reply neil yep hard to believe, but thats the black and white of it. I was secretary up until last weekend,and refused to be put in for it again because of it. A lot of it is because last year there was lads coursing some of the land the gun club have permission for, but the lads working the dogs hadn't. Landowners got a bit upset over usual sh!te like scaring livestock,breaking fences etc that and a lack of knowledge on my clubs behalf is the reason for the ban
  2. Lads, have recently decided im leaving my gun club. long story short, they have no interest in anything other than pheasants.and they have a ban on members working lurchers, terriers, ferreting, digging etc. Have any of ye single membership insurance that covers all fieldsports? So far its looking like im going to IFA countryside
  3. Bogwarrior


    Shower of sick f@@ks.now if only we could have regular pet owners and not just those who work dogs, see the pure evil that companys like spca's work from.andvthe sly tactics they use. horrible story to read fella.hope your lad doesn't lose interest now after all this
  4. Hi bud.would have answered your post sooner but inly joined the site last night.did you mean the laois hunt dog show?
  5. Thats true jiggy.very easy spot to learn new stuff
  6. Hi lads New to this site after finding this on an interweb ? Currently im shooting shotguns and a 22wmr rifle, lamping rifles for bunnys and foxes, beating with my springer (21 months) and sprocker (8 1/2 years).lamping 2 lurcher x's on rabbits.fishing flys, lures and deadbaits,worms etc on rivers lakes and canals.few years experience clay shooting, digging, stalking, ferreting, coursing, trialling and ratting. I have no arguments to any kind of fieldsports as long as its not illegal. Would love to share days with lads from other areas.Hailing from central Laois, Ireland.Feel free to messag
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