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Everything posted by spannerxoxo

  1. They're typical types who think they know everything about nothing. A scar means a dog fight which could really mean a barbed wire or just being clumsy. Our Lurcher had a scar on her back from where she ran into the corner of the coffee table (or something like that I can't even remember) and put a cut in. People always commented thinking it had been done by something else. God only knows what as it wasn't in a position to be anything other than an accident. I had a rescue terrier and people always HAVE to tell you how to train them when in actual fact they're the reason the dog was like she w
  2. I'd really love to back a club like this as I do think Lurchers get a really bad name (however some of the idiots that own them it's no wonder really). If you want to be acknowledged and not be portrayed as - to put it nicely, a total tosser - you have to show willing to adhere to guidelines set in place by said organisation. I've seen some posts about legal help if it's needed? If you adhering to the guidelines suggested and only taking legal quarry (I am aware accidents happen, wrong place wrong time, happens to everyone) then yes I am more than happy for my subs to aid someone's legal help.
  3. Juckler123, there's nothing wrong with people keeping Lurchers as pets. If people want to do simulated coursing and agility or just have them as a companion does it really matter what they do as long as they're looked after properly? A lot of people don't like hunting. Personally it doesn't bother me and I enjoy being out and about with the dogs BUT regardless of where the dogs are going they've all been bred for a purpose and people have chosen that particular cross or type for a purpose. It may be different to yours but people are saying Catherine is blocking people etc because she doesn't a
  4. The thing is with the page is that there is more pet people than working Lurcher people on there and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. It's understandable that some people also don't want to see photos of rabbits and other quarry (legal or not from past or present or from Ireland) which i can understand however it doesn't bother me at all. However at the end of the day hancocks came about as they were breeding working dogs for working homes. It's in their DNA no matter what they're doing now to work if shown how to. They're Lurchers and that's their job. I've posted about working dog
  5. Jimny every time, as other people have said just remove the back seats out. No good to carry people in with you apart from a passenger in the front and that's it. Can comfortably get 2 Lurchers and a terrier in the back with plenty space. The one my friend had went anywhere and half the time 4WD wasn't even on. Didn't have proper off-road tires on either and still went anywhere. MPG was good on his, if it was no good he wouldn't keep it as was a day to day car as well. If it had more space would have kept it, ended up with a Nissan X-Trail now for the size and it's just as good and cheap(ish)
  6. I really don't think there is anyway out of a lifetime ban on owning dogs/animals. Since it's gone through the legal proceedings and a judge has signed it off its properly legal then rather than just the RSPCA causing trouble and hassling people. The thing is with the RSPCA is that they forget that they have no rights to come into people's property when they knock on the door. As far as I'm concerned they're just the same is me but they are in a uniform and have shinier buttons which apparently they only wear to get people to let them in as it's similar to the police get up. The only way aroun
  7. really good read...mine always run free and we use a ball and ball thrower to tone them up a bit, keeps their eyes trained as well from when they are young. definitely some good info here
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