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Olivia Marie Whiteside

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Everything posted by Olivia Marie Whiteside

  1. Thanks what made me think Mali, it's got the frame and black face. Should be a useful bitch Jasper is a dog not a bitch
  2. Malamute everyone thinks he's a mali or got Mali in him but no haha and thanks Vin Adam was so happy you were impressed with him when you saw him tonight - how did the pictures you took turn out of him as I know it was so dark
  3. There staffys and the red is a bitch and white is a male .. Jaspers a bull greyhound X saluki X whippet X malamute
  4. Well Jaspers getting a big boy now I post all my pictures on Facebook but will find some of the best of him and upload to here for you all to see
  5. This is a better picture of his colour although his colour totally depends on what kind of light he's in and to be fair he could really do with a good shower haha
  6. That's where the dog food is kept and it was feeding timeIt used to be princesses spot to watch the food be done but Jaspers taken it over sounds like hes going to be the gaffer in the house. he looks well. what colour is he as he? Wrote most of the reply in the above reply but forgot you asked about colour he's a weird one sort of fawn, black and possibly some blue haven't a clue what colour you would call It though
  7. Oh god that's horrible to hear hope he's holding out ok does he plan to get another or waiting for pups to grow? And he likes to wind the others up but gets put back in his place when they've had enough haha he's a real wimp squeals at anything yet hangs off the faces of the others ?
  8. That's where the dog food is kept and it was feeding time It used to be princesses spot to watch the food be done but Jaspers taken it over
  9. An update on Jasper he's getting a big boy now just measured quickly he's standing at around 22" tts and is only 4 months old think he's going to be one very large dog
  10. Here's another one I took today sorry he's not looking at the camera but if he sees it he usually runs off or at least doesn't stay still long enough
  11. Further up there's a picture of him sitting in this position waiting for his tea - the camera angle is different but just look how much he's grown haha coming on very nicely
  12. He's been for his first outing today with two of my others he was loving it free running on the field falling over his feet haha
  13. She's know as my beast haha getting her into weight pulling build up her muscles and stamina she's also amazing at jumping usually into my face though
  14. Now the same size or very similar to my female staffy who's 1 year old
  15. Haha no my partner took this picture think jasper was licking his lips or something ?
  16. Thanks vin as if it wasn't for you I wouldn't have him it was a tough choice between the remaining two but this boy picked us not the other way around and tonight it's rabbit for tea - Jasper is loving his even made him stiff it out (was in eye sight but off the floor on the step)
  17. They do I find it so annoying because half the time they don't need them
  18. He's got bull greyhound, saluki, whippet with a little malamute in him - unsure on parent sizes I don't really care much for sizes myself
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