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Olivia Marie Whiteside

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Everything posted by Olivia Marie Whiteside

  1. I'm probably being extremely dumb here but can't quite work out if that's a positive or negative - not quite understanding what your trying to say ?
  2. I've read that before - I can't do tug games with my staffs as they just end up fighting In fact they can't have any toys due to the fact they destroy them and/or fight over them and jasper generally doesn't play tug he's usually pretty good at giving guess yesterday he knew it was his birthday so decided to push his luck haha but I am going to try and do some more fetch with him could probably do with getting a rabbit hide that's been tanned or something for training with him but we shall see what works with him Tug is a one to one activity. If you wanted to have a go at it, put the other
  3. I've read that before - I can't do tug games with my staffs as they just end up fighting In fact they can't have any toys due to the fact they destroy them and/or fight over them and jasper generally doesn't play tug he's usually pretty good at giving guess yesterday he knew it was his birthday so decided to push his luck haha but I am going to try and do some more fetch with him could probably do with getting a rabbit hide that's been tanned or something for training with him but we shall see what works with him Tug is a one to one activity. If you wanted to have a go at it, put the other
  4. I've read that before - I can't do tug games with my staffs as they just end up fighting ? In fact they can't have any toys due to the fact they destroy them and/or fight over them and jasper generally doesn't play tug he's usually pretty good at giving guess yesterday he knew it was his birthday so decided to push his luck haha but I am going to try and do some more fetch with him could probably do with getting a rabbit hide that's been tanned or something for training with him but we shall see what works with him
  5. Thanks everyone - it's something we will work on but I mean I am surprised he didn't just eat in the bushes - and that he did at least fetch them both out and drop them (ok not close enough and allowed them to run but none the less) as he had no drive for toys of any kind so he's never really been taught to fetch - although we have tried in the past and he would do it a couple of times before getting bored so still a work in progress but I'm still proud of what he's done (of course apart from refusing to let go) he has an obsession with carrying things in his mouth that he's either attempting
  6. 15th may is the best most recent one Ps. Happy first birthday Jasper thanks for the pic. hes looks like hes got a big old lump of a head on him. looks well too, what height has he finished at?Just measured him now although he doesn't make it easy he's 28" tts now And roughly 34.5 kg (76lbs)
  7. No offence but a Lurcher isn't suppose to be killing and eating what it catches it is supposed to bring it back unmarked so you can eat it. Sounds like the dog is getting possisive maybe with the other dogs there its trying to eat so they cant have it. He does fetch them back unmarked but just became a bit confused today as Adam didn't get there quick enough and told him to drop it after telling him to catch it again as it ran off then telling him to fetch etc think it was just a weird one over all happened pretty fast and don't think he wanted princess to get it - we don't eat rabbit i don't
  8. He caught another today - not as big, also didn't see this one he just went into the bushes and fetched it out we thought it was a dead one till it started running - although this time jasper helped to dispatch of it by pulling its head off and swollowing whole as Adam was trying to get him to drop it ? Think it's safe to say Jasper definitely knows what he's doing now
  9. 15th may is the best most recent one Ps. Happy first birthday Jasper
  10. So proud of them both as you know what they are like around food so glad there was no fight and more working as a team than anything else - the blue staffy bitch that you've seen (I think) is looking for a new home as she doesn't get on with our others and it's not fair on any of them (she would probably make a pretty good worker too which is upsetting) but need to do what's best for her and the others
  11. The "red thing" is a slip lead made into a figure of 8 as a halti - he pulls like a freight train and likes to hop on his back legs like a kangaroo when he goes out so this way it helps to keep him under control and focused on the person walking him not to mention this way he's not strangling himself as he tries to pull - the lead comes off once we have got to where we are walking away from roads
  12. Wasn't intended or planned but jasper found and caught his first rabbit today he worked with my staffy Princess as he dropped it so princess caught it before Adam got it and dispatched of it quickly - Jasper will be a year old tomorrow
  13. Yea think I was 2" off last time but measured the same way as corrected last time can't say it's 100% to the point on the tape measure but near enough haha and yes I think that's his dad's name (not brilliant at names haha)
  14. Picture didn't upload first time looking well. he will finish the same height as his sire or perhaps a touch taller i would say. Yea I can't wait till he's fully matured see what we can get him looking like fitness wise with good muscle definition
  15. Jasper with his dad ?? Not the best pictures as always jasper doesn't wish to stay still
  16. Yea I've taken him out and seen some rabbits but he hasn't haha .. Last night my red staff actually saw and chased 4 out of 5 that I saw but of course they disappeared into the bushes or under the train tracks fence so most she's ever actually seen which was nice to know she's game I'm not bothered about her not actually catching them it gives her some good exercise haha
  17. Well I have just re-measured him and he's at 24" tts so not bad only a 2 inch difference ? Measured against the side in the kitchen with stronger / straighter tape measure pulled tight haha
  18. I was just thinking that haha could do with the type they use for horses with the bar at the top that goes across (or like they have in doctors) I will try a few things tomorrow might take him for a good walk first might be more likely to stand a bit more still then haha - we taught him to sit for a stroke so now he sits all the time when you want to do anything with him including taking pictures
  19. I was just thinking that haha could do with the type they use for horses with the bar at the top that goes across (or like they have in doctors) I will try a few things tomorrow might take him for a good walk first might be more likely to stand a bit more still then haha - we taught him to sit for a stroke so now he sits all the time when you want to do anything with him including taking pictures
  20. I could be slightly off on his height it's really annoying me now ? Because I just tried to measure him on my own with a book on his back to try and get that part straight and hold him up so he stands but he wasn't standing up straight and his legs too far forward so going to try find the better tape measure tomorrow when Adams home and re-measure him (hate admitting I'm wrong but guess it happens to all of us and will have a better measurement tomorrow fingers crossed)
  21. Well everyone on here likes to know height and you can't always tell by pictures so he's the only one I measure I don't measure my staffs - I measured from the floor to his shoulder while he was standing and yes my red staff is awesome she's my pride and joy and I do a little bit of drag pulling with her too I will measure him again tomorrow and double check not easy when he just wants to sit down and not stay still but it's a rough measurement when I measured him a few weeks back he was 22" tts and has grown since
  22. Jaspers now (need to re-measure tomorrow)" tts and weighs around 24.2kg ? he's only 5 months old ? Here he is with my 3 year old daughter and my partner
  23. Thanks what made me think Mali, it's got the frame and black face. Should be a useful bitchJasper is a dog not a bitchMy bad sorry??It's ok he's been called a girl before as he hides his male parts well ?
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