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Everything posted by Liamkelly

  1. Som will com with very bad harts . And sound like pig going around the place But the terriers that com good off that Can breed bad harts to But if u get it right. U won't look back Mate
  2. We see her older sister go 3 times on same day. So I was trying to get bob her to bring back put He will get 2 off him ok
  3. 1 that I was hoping he let go to me when I was there same dad to your pups she had
  4. Fine pups they are hope they turn out Good For u. Mate
  5. Well nice pup mate It mite turn u For white terriers. Now
  6. Well boy do u no j.k Going on breed of terrier u have I say u from up by Hills up in Spectacular mounrne mountains
  7. I do let men take out som of my terriers A lot And did for years but If any of them tolled Me that my terrier got killed at work I would no Well it's dead and they would have don there best To get to terrier As if it was there's But there very hard men to find now days
  8. I no lad from Luton that have old breed and 2 or 3 of his terriers have hafe white leg and chest and ther right from his year
  9. It's the boys that are doing the terrier Work for som of the hunts them boys shouldn't be left dig rabbit Holes dont mind fox den But ther not all like that I no
  10. When are you thinking of coming over Mate Is it terriers u in to if it is I'll give u 1 pup To bring 2 pups back to mate
  11. I no mate but I was hoping he mite still want 1 That's very well bred for work only and no som boady that's going over from here in next 2 weeks
  12. What I was trying to say Is my mate have them if u can get 2 pups Over in next 2weeks he would give u 1
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