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About FairLead

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter

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  • Location
    Caerphilly Wales

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  1. Agree what's mostly said on here,hard to find a consistent line of good working Lakelands, got mine from an old sweat,who sweared by his Lakies, (the one in pic from him) didn't like it up close and personal..hard to beat the blacks
  2. My car wouldn't start at 6am this morning ....... cos I wasn't in the feckin thing
  3. Cup of Rosie £1.20 in the truckers cafe near me ...500m up the road it's £2, but there's more snatch there,so usually go there
  4. Driving down the road yesterday, thought I saw Irish singing legend Van Morrison in my rear view mirror.....felt a right cnut when I realised everything gets reversed in mirrors. ..It was actually a Morrisons van
  5. Think Andy Kelly off yer, makes & sells them, better off asking him !!!!!!!!!
  6. Don't be so prude mun lads ....don't say u haven't tried Tromboning...get ur mrs/boyfriend to suck & blow on ur ass, whilst she/he is w@nking u off ....feckin lush !! haha
  7. My Mrs showed her hairs on facebook once....pity some fcker didn't grass on her !!.haha
  8. Oops just remembered, his name was Max (at Crufts 2012 )
  9. Can anyone remember the name of the boxer who shit in the ring after he lost ?
  10. My mate Cliff has a problem with seagull nests...he recommends putting Petrel on them
  11. Greasy smelly dirty feckers..They should blend in with the French alright then.
  12. Last op I had,I woke up with a fckin hard on,sure the doc had been tickling my sack when I was away with the fairies..Good Luck!!..you'll be as right as rain in a couple of months.
  13. Hitachi are cheaper than the Paslode,but I'd be suspect of their performance and durability, Pazzies tough as old boots but tend to be a nightmare in cold weather, think it affects the gas...personally I'd go for a Dewalt first fix,as posted previously,hefty price tag though!!...air nailer good but the compressor would do my swede in!!
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