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Everything posted by unlacedgecko

  1. Jus remember there is always some one worse off than yourself... http://www.arrse.co.uk/Forums/viewtopic/t=141896/postdays=0/postorder=asc/start=100.html
  2. could possibly be an injured squirrel given vet treatment and released 'into the wild' by a well meaning member of the public? i have heard of urban foxes given treatment following RTAs, some of which included surgical amputation of badly damaged limbs. last time i was getting my dog vaccinated there was a couple in the waiting room with a wood pigeon which they had spent a vast amount of money getting its broken wing re-set. Ug
  3. get a british army surplus jacket. camo, plenty of pockets and if its brand new and you dont wash it they are splash proof. Ug
  4. the video which zini links to is now gone. but i did look at some of ghost hunter's ther vids. is anyone else concerned that he is publishing bomb making manuals in video form? 'the bunny bunker buster bomb'? is this guy for real? Ug
  5. i think the site worrks very well as it does at the moment. i previously didnt know anyone on here, but have met some great people through it, and learned a lot. verification, as stated, would not work and would be unnecessary extra work for admins. just ignore the stuff you dont like and absorbe the stuff you do. i dont understand all the arguing and name calling that goes on here. like the saying goes, arguing on the internet is like running in the special olympics, even if you win you are still a retard. cheers Ug
  6. where abouts in brecon are you? im in essex but could be up for a weekend road trip if you can put me up for the night. Ug
  7. geoff, i had heard of that policy, but hoped it wasnt true. i hope to never have any dealing with the RSPCA. Any animal which i can no longer care for will be rehomed with my friends or family. if that is not possible it will be going in the ground. the website i mention is to help people who are being investigate/prosecuted. this is the only way i will have any dealings with the charity. i keep my animals in good nick, but the world is full of nosey neighbours and do gooders without a clue. my sister has been on the receiving end of this sort of thing for her horses following compla
  8. wouldnt trust the RSPCA as far as i could piss. There is a website for people experiencing problems with the charity. the address is http://the-shg.org/. fortunately i havent had to deal with them yet, but the website seems full of useful advice. Ug
  9. the gun is being rested on decoy wires. look closely and you can see 1 1/4 down the barrel.
  10. does oil adversely affect sythetic stocks as well? cos i have gone for the maxi-chav option and all my guns have synth stocks. cheers UG
  11. Yasha, pm me your address and i will post you a fox pelt (with face) and brush, a rabbit pelt and a hare skin. they are not of high quality, just some stuff i did myself messing around with battery acid tanning. Ug
  12. Wha'? a side by side or and over/under is a very good sporting gun. if you need to use it for pest control get a semi. after you have 10 shots and 8 kills, you will see why a semi is better. guess thats an FAC semi tho clint, huh?
  13. breeding blue merle to blue merle can result in all kinds of nasty problems with the pups; http://www.idexx.ca/diseasesinseason_profile.cfm do a search on google for blue merle breeding in australian collies. it doesnt matter how much blue merle the dog has on its body, if it has any then it carries the dominant blue merle gene, and should not be bred to a blue merle bitch. Ug
  14. unlacedgecko


    i was out snaring rabbits on my local permission a few months ago. the field borders one with a foot path through it. just as i placed the last snare i was approached by an RSPCA officer/inspector/bod. she asked me if i knew the area as a member of the public had reported a calf stuck in the river mud. the fields which surround the river are rough grazing for beef cattle. these cattle are bullocks, about 16-18months old and nearly as tts as me. no way anyone could confuse one of them for a calf. i told her this, but she said that she had to check it out. i ended up walking around
  15. undergroundterriers arent doing barryvox pulse at the moment; http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=143782&st=0&p=1456603entry1456603 ive just bought one from facewest here; http://www.facewest.co.uk/Mammut-Barryvox-Pulse.html ordered it on saturday and it arrived today. i intend on combining it with the bellman and flint rechargeable collar. when that arrives i will let you know how i get on. Ug
  16. Does anyone in the Colchester area have the capacity to recharge a buddy bottle for a GunPower Stealth? I have been round all local dive shops and gun shops, and no one does them. Dont want to have to go to the fuss of getting a stirrup pump or divers bottle (I am saving for a .243). Id be willing to pay for the priviledge/take them out on my permission. Thanks in advance. Ug
  17. Hi all, I currently shoot a CZ 452 .22LR for rabbits. I have a bushnell variable mag. I will be purchasing a .243 in the near future for fox and rabbit. i am after a NV capability which i can just clip onto my day scopes, making both rifles day and night capable with the minimum of fuss changing scopes. i have looked at the archer monocle which clips onto the rear of the scope. i have also seen other systems which clip onto the front of the scope. does anyone have any views on these units in terms of; a) effectiveness? value for money? c) robustness? thanks in advance
  18. hi, i bought a gunpower stealth 2nd had through this site a few months ago. it is a cracking wee gun and im really pleased with it (thanks smoking toes!). however, the time has come to recharge the buddy bottle, and im having massive dramas doing it. i have bought the adaptor made by gunpower and have been cutting around all my local (colchester) dive shops, but none of them have a clue how to refill the bottle, or they dont have the right adaptor. does anyone have any advice? i realy dont want to go through the expense of getting a dive bottle, as im saving for a centre fire deer rif
  19. I remember a while ago there was a thread about a lad who makes thornproof over trousers. I have tried searching and cant find it. If anyone has this lads contact details please let me know. cheers Ug
  20. cracking post. good job lads, glad to see the brock dog is back in action. Ug
  21. Ive met some good like minded people. I have learnt lots of things (snared first rabbit, sqeaked in first fox) from meeting these people and from reading all the posts. i found the rife and shotgun forum invaluable when i was applying for FAC/SGC and very helpful when choosing weapons as well. there are some hugely entertaining posts, i really enjoy all the piss taking as well. i have also bought a dog and an air rifle through the site. no complaints about either. Ug
  22. what do you mean bye that you dont think it was by leATHAL JAB CAN YOU ELLABORATE ON THIS google it they bolt gunned 'em. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/6115690/RSPCA-puts-down-10-German-Shepherds-with-bolt-gun.html radio recording. Ug
  23. hi jam, the smooth coated bitch on the first page is mine. ive been away with work for the last 4 months, so havent done much with her since that day out with DnN. however, my girlfriend has been looking after her for me as a house dog. she has been doing well with general obedience and seems quite trainable. im hoping to get her out in a beating line for the tail end of the season and hopefully a few fox drives later in the year. how is your brock dog? regards Ug
  24. Current laws in england allow use of .223 for munty and CWD, with a 50grains bullet. Ug
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